Looking for a guild - Ehmry Bay
Hello Roxy,
I am Silvian Grey the Creator of the Bestial Menace [BSTM] Guild, and most of the guild is on Ehmry Bay including my self. We are small but active guild always looking for new members. We have a Guild Emblem, Armorsmith, Guild Bank, and right now just saving the influence till we decide where we want to go with it. We are very laid back and friendly guild who enjoy PvE, some of us also enjoy PvP and the WvWvW. We do not have any major rules and we are pretty social on the game. We also happen to have a guild forum which we have just made this week. Note there is not many posts in it at this time, it was only just created and its there for when we decide we want to chat or discuss things as a guild/community out side of the game and even for planning events. Most of us chat on skype and we are all 18+ as far as know.
We pretty much help each other, make friends, and have fun as a guild.
We worked very hard on the buttons and banner to make it look good and official; so feel free to check that out if you wish.
Let me know if you are interested in checking our guild out or have any questions. You can contact me on here or you can send a mail to my character in the game as “Silvian Grey”, additionally you can contact me via skype as “mnwolfboy”.
Hope to hear back,
~Silvian Grey
(edited by mnwolfboy.9348)
Hello Roxy I know you stated that you were currently on the Ehmry Bay home world; however, I wanted to an extend an invite to you and your friends. If you are still in search of a home you are more than welcome to join us at The Sic on Sorrow’s Furnace. We are a seven (7) year tight knit gaming community who utilize vent and forums. We are striving to build our numbers and help all members achieve max level to enjoy end-game content. With that being said; however, there is absolutely no rush to reach max level. You level at the pace that is right for you. We want to experience all aspects of the game from map exploration, dungeons, PvP and WvWvW.
We welcome all classes and levels and will assist you in any way possible to make your gaming experience more enjoyable. Our guild has everything from veteran MMORPG players to players who are just now getting a feel for these types of games. We would also be more than happy to answer any questions that you would have concerning the game, helping with story line quests, dynamic events and learning the mechanics of dungeons. If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, please feel free to message Caysee or Loosifah with any questions or if you would like an invite. You can also visit our website at www.thesic.org.
About CGU :
CGU (Crimson Guards United) Gaming has been established since 2003. Our goal has been aimed towards uniting friends and expanding our game play on multiple gaming platforms.
Ways To Contact Us :
Website : “http://www.cgunited.net”
TeamSpeak3 :
E-mail : cgunitedgaming@gmail.com
Also Try : YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter, Steam
What CGU offers :
- A TeamSpeak3 Server
- The opportunity to network with a wide range of diverse gamer’s
- In-game Events
- A well organized group of leaders to help strengthen your abilities as a member and a gamer
What do we ask from you :
- Be active for our weekly meetings
- 15+ years of age
- Please have a headset/mic to communicate with (exceptions may be made)
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
*How to apply * :
Come on our TeamSpeak3 server and speak with a admin with the title G.C. (Global Council)
Team Speak
Hey, Roxy
It wasn’t stated, but would you and your friends be willing to transfer servers if the prospect is tempting enough (while they’re still free and readily available)?
I created a quick thread on these forums, but unfortunately it’s drowned out. I’ll give you a quick link here, and if you’re interested, I encourage you to talk with me!
I would like to reflect a bit on your listed ideals, so here’s a quick mirror list.
1.) Our general age range fits; we’re all around low-20s to mid-30s.
2.) We’re active, but usually in the evening (when work and classes have calmed down). I’m on every evening. Guild Wars actually makes this a little tough, with their multi-guild system, which has proven to be quite frustrating. It’s not uncommon to see 20 people on, but only 7 people representing. I’m trying very hard to gather folks who want to stick and participate rather than trickle away.
3.) The game is beautiful; and I’m sure once more of us are level 80 (and when the game isn’t so buggy), we’ll do more scheduled events together such as zone-wide sprawls, roleplay (if you do that thing), level 80 events , and explore-mode dungeons. I’m big on establishing events.
4.) See above; a lot of us (me in particular) enjoy many aspects of the game… I’ve been exploring and checking out every nook and cranny.
5.) I’ve been building and establishing a new website for the guild, and while we’ve been around for quite awhile – we’ve never really had one. Actively building for Guild Wars2 has proven to be rather tough (for one guy), so the fact that you’re willing and looking to help build and participate is very appealing.
Anyway, I think I’ve covered the basics… If your interest is piqued, I would love to talk with you (over vent or something) to discuss our options if you think we may be a fit for you and your friends.
Good journey!
Hi! Ehmrys Finest is recruiting members right now. We have a few leadership roles available if your intrested in helping me build a competitive guild for WvWvW. Check out our website or our thread.
Hello Roxy, Lucky Stars guild sounds exactly the type of guild your looking for! Plus we are located on Ehmry Bay Server. We have over 50+ members so far, and we take part in all areas of the game from plain levelling main/alts, crafting, dungeons and WvW etc.
Please check out our guild recruitment thread!
Lucky Stars Recruitment Thread
Just also a quick note, our guild now has Level III upgrades in everything except Art of War, not to mention guild buffs etc also we had our first guild meeting today which went very well.
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -
(edited by TsukasaHiiragi.9730)
Wow! I didn’t expect so many answers so quickly! Thank you everyone for your responses and generous offers. We don’t want to switch worlds but we wish you guys on other worlds much success. I’ll be in touch with everyone else. Again, thanks so much!