Looking for a guild>? (God) Join Deadly Gods

Looking for a guild>? (God) Join Deadly Gods

in Guilds

Posted by: krazykiller.8603


Recruiting Process
(God) We are searching for active members who will help others. This Guild’s main goal is providing assistance as well as doing Guild Missions. We have a weekly schedule set up Monday- Friday, ranging from various events! It changes weekly…
~This weeks schedule~
From 9 p.m. Est-11 p.m. Est
Monday- Meta events
Tuesday- Jump Puzzles
Wednesday- Wvw Zerg/ Pvp
Thursday- Guild Bounties
Friday- Dungeon Day
There is none, everyone is welcome even on different servers; but please try to be on Darkhaven( even if you have to guest.)
~Guild Events~
Here’s a small list of the events the guild participates into.(Guild bounties, World Vs. World, Players Vs. Player, Story Line, All dungeons(even Daily dungeons such as fractals of the mist), Meta Events, Jump Puzzles and more! We do it all.
How to join*
PM Desunote In game if interested or post name on forum to join.. I would prefer you to PM me in game.
Try pming:
If not available leave a message on forums.
1. No cursing
2. No fighting of any kind towards guildies
3. Enjoy the guild