Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: Gobb.2748



I am currently in a multi game clan and our gw2 branch is dead so I’m looking for potential floatation devices before i jump ship. I would like to remain in my current guild in the rare occurance that we’d get some people online so a guild that would allow that would be preferable.

I have issues with voice communication as i have aspergers syndrome and suffer from selective mutism so i can’t talk using voip but I listen and do as I’m told and try to limit the impacts of not talking.

Got 400+ hours played, only one 80 which is my Asura ranger Gobb Pathfinder, highest alt is in the mid 30’s

Currently on Gandara but I’m open to switching servers to anything but the FR/DE/ES ones.

Then there’s my ulterior motives, Legendary farming, I need help with badges of honour and some guildies to run dungeons and fractals with would be nice.

I’ll throw in a link to my enjin profile just for the sake of it : http://www.rezistance.enjin.com/profile/1115362

Edit: forgot to add I’m 20+ and there wouldn’t be any squeeky voice name calling even if i could or would do such athing.

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: Saxon.1908


Hi Gobb.

My Guild is Called Masters of Asendance [MOA] and we are based in Sorrows Furnace. We are still very small (but growing) but we are freindly and supportive. We don;t have any rules ‘banning’ you from being with other guilds or Demanding you use Voice chat- We just ask that you represent our guild when you do activities with us so we can all benefit from the guild Influence (Which I think is a reasonable request).

Your age and Aspergers are by no means an issue. And It would be nice to have another person who plays regularly.

We do like running dungeons and Fractals, but we don’t have a commuted schedules or anything like that, we take a more Casual approach. If you interested in finding more out about us either drop be a line in game, or come look at our Website http://mastersofascendance.shivtr.com/

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702


Greetings Gobb!

The Gryphons Aerie is a mature (most members are between 20-40yrs old), smaller, 18+ PvE/RP guild on Tarnished Coast. While we’re mostly PvE, we also have a few people who also enjoy a bit of casual WvW.

We know that RL comes first and stress that fact. We’ll still be there even if you can’t for a bit of time. We enjoy helping each other and doing things together when possible. All you have to do is ask if you need help with something and we’ll do our best to come to your aid.

We do have a TeamSpeak3, but it’s use is 100% optional. There is also no requirement to be representing us at all times. It’s not our business to tell you who you can and cannot associate with; that choice is yours alone. All we ask is that you give us some time too.

For more information…

…check out our post here on these forums:

…or go directly to our website:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop me a note or contact me in game (Aria Silverfyre) and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
Join Us – http://www.thegryphonsaerie.com

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: OutspokenAardvark.9781


Hello! I think Dissentient is exactly what you are looking for. We already have 5 legendaries and 6-7 other players working on theirs. We are on Tarnished Coast and have mumble for our VoIP. You need not worry about not talking in mumble as we have a few other people who listen but do not talk as well. Dissentient or [DIS] is a tight-knit Guild Wars 2 community that focuses on advanced tactics in WvW and has a soft focus on dungeon running. We pride ourselves on having a great competitive WvW experience while keeping a warm, friendly and helpful atmosphere. Here is a link to our recruitment post on this forum should you be curious: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/WvW-PvX-Dungeon-Dissentient-TC/first#post864126

Rhyme – Commander
[DIS] Dissentient – http://dissentient.org
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by OutspokenAardvark.9781)

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: soapylove.4081


Hi there Gobb!
Just wanted to tell you about Rethesis on Darkhaven. http://www.Rethesis.com

We’re a 400+ member guild with a pretty wide age span. College students, moms, dads, husbands/wives, extended family, we have it all. We use a 100 slot Ventrilo for voice chat, webiste/forums, YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/rethesis and fun guild events too!

So there’s the basics.. here’s who we are as a guild… A big group of pretty easy going people with a very well known presence in WvW. Our Guild Leader Ethersin is a top Commander. Our vent is public for anyone that is in WvW with us. We do our best to work with other Commanders and guilds. We do have a couple friendly rivalries going as well. We have to have that goofy fun too!

When it comes down to it, we are serious and want to get things done, but we can laugh at ourselves too. We’ve done some pretty funny stuff in WvW and other areas of the game.

Even though one of our main focuses is WvW, we also are busy running dungeons, FotM, exploring, mapping, farming, helping each other, crafting and having fun while doing it. We share our knowledge with each other and have some truly BRILLIANT people!

We have many people that just listen on vent. Makes it easier during WvW for our Commanders as well as dungeons/FotM and other events. We would be happy to have you join us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to catch me in game. I’ll try to catch you online

Hope to talk to you soon!

Pyres Empire [PYRE]
Scribe for life!

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: HoboLyra.4908


So, Gobb, you’re looking for a guild?
Looking for awesome people to talk to, play with, help and get help from?
Want access to a VENT server that allows even non-guildies to join when dungeoning?
And with your want to just listen and not talk, we are fine with that! We have members without mics as well that just join the VENT to hear what is being said, but contribute over chat in game. This is completely fine with us!

As for changing representation as you want, we allow this as well, though we will miss you when not repping our guild. =P But honestly, there are a few members that have multiple guilds they change representation to, and it’s not a bother. We don’t kick people over this.

Want guild magic Find + Exp buffs on all the time?
Then the Northern Wolf Clan may be what you are looking for!

We are a casual guild looking for active players to add to our rosters. The Guild is based in Sorrows Furnace primarily.
VENT, Dungeon runs, lv400 crafters, Friendly and helpful members, Constant guild buffs, and awesomeness.
Interested in joining our pack? Give me a Shout in game via PM or mail:
Character: Alagra
Tag: HoboLyra.4908 (Use this to mail in game)

-Tarnished Coast-
Obsidian Spire OS / EXS

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

Good afternoon,

I run an actively casual guild on Devona’s Rest and we’re always looking for more players interested in joining our ranks. We have weekly events, such as dungeon runs and WvW, but we’re also the spontaneous type that will decide on the hour to do something. We’re very patient and all adults who are just interested in a fun gaming experience.

You can find our guild posting here:
The Burning Eden [TBE]

You can always contact us in game if you’d rather have a conversation and get a better feel for what our guild is about. Feel free to add me to your friend list as I’m on every evening.

~Meri Shadows

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: Fire Opal.8137

Fire Opal.8137


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Yes we are Looking for New people to recruit to our guild.

Thank you for your interest by opening this page and reading it.
WOLF was created in 2005

We are very proud that even with our up and downs, great times and sad times, that we have endeavored to continue to thrive and continue to exists.
We invite you to visit our guild and talk with us either in game or on vent. . What would it hurt? The majority of our guild is 21 and older, but we also have down to 18 of age. We are all working class and/or university students and/or have families to take care of. We are mainly American and Canadian time zones, but have a few Euros from England, Finland and other areas that came with us from Guild Wars(so International guild). We log on to have fun and relax, so I am guessing you would consider us a casual guild. We have people may do one or a mixture of all; Pve, Pvp, dungeons, and Wvw. We don’t want to make the game a job, because that not what games are for. We are slowly rebuilding the guild at this time. We are looking for people, willing to help us grow. We are friendly and will do what we can or when we can for others in the guild. We enjoy new people, thoughts and ideas. Each new person brings a special gift or unique quality to add to the guild. We truly hope that you will join us and give us a try.
We do have vent and a forum; Our forum is: http://wolfdemontribe.enjin.com/
We are also looking for new officers. No promises we will have to talk about this.
If you like to play other on-line games, we have guildies that may may be playing the games your playing also. Such as (League of legends, Steam games, World of Warcraft, Aion, Tera, Starcraft, Diablo 2, 3) and much more. So I figure we can be considered a gaming (community, guild, or group).

Fire Opal
Lady of the Guild

PM to talk or gain information.

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: ranger zed.3270

ranger zed.3270

Our guild was born in the days of guildwars 1 , with a few key members and slowly grew to a guild of 30 strong, with many guilds in alliance with us, we are mainly pve based and always try to be helpful and polite to all our members, we always try to help each other if possible! We accept all lvls of players , from all walks of life, we try to recruit members that are mature, as this is the core of our players, however if you are a young player, try us out, you never know! We have some core rules, which we feel are in place to make good team building and make for a nice gaming, We do not allow swearing, racist, sexual chat, and also dont go begging for freebies, earn respect from us..and you will be helped any way we can if you wish to join is in guild wars 2, please add Ranger Zed to you buddy list in game and contact me

leader of growing pains [PAIN]
gandara server

Looking for a guild, have ulterior motives.

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Gobb,

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members and there is no application process. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- Guild Boosts: 10% Magic Find & 5% Experience constant, 15% Karma on weekends
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 20-30 players during the week, weekends experience a higher influx of Jadites playing.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar
