Looking for a guild on KAINENG?

Looking for a guild on KAINENG?

in Guilds

Posted by: Gwyn.6412


Server: Kaineng
Prime Time: 11am – 2am [Server time PST]
Guild Upgrades: Arch V, rest IV
Chatting Program: Dolby Axon
Role: PvX WvW

Kaineng Crows [KC] is a social guild that houses all types of players! The Crows have been here since the dawn of GW2, so we know the ropes. We are all about having a good time, so if you’re drama, stop reading and get your butt out of here. Though we are pretty laid back, we still get things done when needed. KC also uses a free chatting program to communicate. It’s a good laugh, but also helps coordinate dungeons, WvW, and PvP. The guild stands at 35 strong, but we plan to keep at a moderate number. Reason being, I like everyone to be involved with what we are doing, no one will be left out in our guild. It’s the reason why I started it in the first place. Plus with big guilds, there tends to be many clicks within them, and I rather be just one “big click.” So if you’re looking for a guild and want to be apart of our murder of crows, or if you just have questions about us, you are welcome to contact me. I check the forums actively, but if you wish to send me a pm or mail, my IGN is Gwynharwyf. Hope to hear from you in game!

(edited by Gwyn.6412)