Looking for a new guild to call home.

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: Ducksworth.4890


Hello all. So, just going to put this out there; I’m currently in a guild. But, they don’t.. seem to do much. A little history on myself and my knowledge of MMO’s and gaming in general. I’m always trying to be my best at any class I play, not being an elitist, but simply trying to put my full effort forward. I’ve been playing MMO’s ever since WoW first came out. Right up until near the end of Cataclysm.

During that time, starting around the middle of Burning Crusade, I joined a guild and… honestly they were the most amazing group of people I’ve ever met. I stayed with them until the guild fell apart due to our original guild leader having to leave the game to pursue his own life. He was an amazing leader. Put forth every effort for the guild, and the members. I rose up to become an officer (Second in command, basically in that ranking system).

I’ve made tons of friends, but, sadly time and life has taken most away from me. We weren’t always the first to down a boss, but we always managed to get it down. However, everything has it’s time. As of right now, I’m, of course, playing GW2, and enjoying every bit of it. It lacks that certain.. stuff that WoW had, but I’m not interested in starting a war here.

Basically, I’m looking for a guild that is very friendly, helpful, social and active. I myself, am interested in WvW, spvp, and running dungeons and fractals. Here are some requirements.

  • Not being elitist, but always putting forth there best effort.
  • Willing to have fun, even if we fail several times.
  • Able and willing to help teach some things. (Although, I can and will look up boss fights on things.)
  • Not too large of a group, but not too small either.
  • A friendly environment.

That’s about it, really. Also, I’m located on Borlis Pass, but willing to xfer if the right guild catches my interest. And thanks to all of you that find interest in adding me to your ranks. (Also, sorry if I repeated a few things. Right now, I’m tired as all hell.)

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: EDraggon.3870


Hello there!
I have brought up a new guild called Gods among Tyria
The Homeworld is Yak’s Bend
The guild just but if you are worthy enough i could possibly promote you to a higher class.
If you have any questions let me know in forums or contact me in game “Rouge Ninja”

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: Jinxey.4173


Hiya Ducksworth.

I saw your post looking for a friendly, casual and mature guild and I wanted to contact you about looking into our guild, The Unholy Mackerels!

We are a PvX guild with a pride in respecting others, no matter their play style or play level. We also are tight knit and enjoy getting to know one another through activities such as Dungeons, WvW, Fractals, sPvP, or partying up in PvE to do Orr events together, dragons, and even helping with lvling main characters and alts.

We currently run weekly scheduled WvW, Dungeons, and Fractals and do any of the above throughout the week off schedule. There is always something going on daily, usually any time after 6pm EST during the weekdays and any time during the weekends.

The Unholy Mackerels has a core group of active members and we are building upon that, however doing so slowly so we get to know each and every one. We currently are a medium size guild with 53 members and about 20 of them are active daily.

We are quite the social guild through teamspeak and guild chat. We use teamspeak but do not require it. Often our newer members prefer to listen in on the first few days and talk when they feel comfortable, which usually they talk within the first 10 minutes once they realize how easy going everyone is.

You can find us on the Fort Aspenwood server. A server that has quite a busy PvE population in maps, it’s own friendly community forums for all things GW2, it’s own community teamspeak for WvW where everyone is welcome, and a server that enjoys working together through good communication while playing to have fun.

Being a growing gaming community, we also play many other games together as a guild and recently started a new weekly event, TF2sdays. Have no fear though as Guild Wars 2 has been our focus since beta and will continue to be for quite some time.

Anywho, give our website a check to see more about us and our events we run and click “Join” to read our simple but necessary rules. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I’d definitely be happy to answer! Looking forward to hearing back from you Ducksworth and game on!


Zecora Nightly <Officer of [UM]>

Jinxey [UM]
Officer of The Unholy Mackerels

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: ashammer.2359


Hey Ducksworth,

I read your post and lot of of the things you mentioned ring true for me as well. I used to play WoW as well but it lost my interest in Cataclysm, I played D3 until I got dis-enchanted with that and then I turned to GW2. But now i’ll tell you a little about my guild Wrath Incarnate (WIN).

My best friends guild in WoW was Wrath of Nekromancy and thus this guild is an ode to what we created in WoW. We focus of creating a friendly non-drama environment where people can log on, have people to play with, have good/salty conversations about life and enjoy what free time they have.

We participate in a little of everything, are masters of none….exept running dungeons. We’ve done most of them over and over and over again. We are always willing to bring new people thorugh and explain the fights…fractals as well.

We have a pocket of players who are really enjoying sPvP and I’m starting to get back into WvW. Other than all that we are working on unlocking Guild Treks now, we have guild missions, fully expanded bank, vent, and website (you’ll find in my signature below)

Lastly, we are living on Sorrows Furnace. I wouldn’t expect you to transfer. With guesting you can enjoy our guild withour forking over the cash…..unless WvW is a major interest of yours.

Hope to hear from you soon!!!

Guild Leader – Wrath Incarnate

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Hey Ducksworth

I’d like to invite you to check out Cynical, our website is http://cynical-gw2.guildlaunch.com. After reading your post, I think you would be a great fit with us. Below I have covered all the things you are looking for , and would love to talk with you further (You may find our Guild Mentoring program to be very helpful in helping you learn the ropes and teach you things)

We are a semi-casual PVX, EST, NA Guild of approx. 140+ players on the Tarnished Coast server, currently a T2 server in WvWvW. On a normal night during primetime, we have approx. 50+ guild members on. We are all working class adults, and we do not recruit members below the age of 18. We regularly schedule PvE Events throughout the week, as well as Guild Missions, WvWvW, and Spvp as well.


  • Dedicated nights to PvE/Guild Missions + Wv3( Guild Events each night!)
    *Guild Missions: Bounty, Trek , and Rush (Currently queued up to open)
  • Structured PVE, Wv3, Spvp, Questing, and Dungeon Groups
  • (PST & EST) Dungeon/Fractal Groups & Saturday Story Mode Dungeon Runs
  • Special Holiday Events & Contests
  • Dedicated Officer roles for each aspect of GW2; WvWvW, SPvP, and PvE
  • Guild website with calendar, private messaging, dedicated forums, and more!
  • Voice chat server is Mumble with tons of slots
  • A fun and friendly community of mmorpg veterans
  • Guild Mentoring Program & Inter-guild crafting
  • Guild Lottery, Contests, and Raffles
  • Full Guild Buffs & 250 Slot Guild bank, including M/F and gathering 24/7 (once guild missions are finished building)


  • Members must be over the age of 18 years old, as we are an adult guild.
  • Members who are absent for more than a month with no forum post are removed
  • Members agree to ONLY rep CYN (personal Guild banks are allowed)
  • Members MUST have a microphone and use Mumble voice chat in Guild Groups
  • Members agree to log on to the guild website at least once a week. Members who do not log on after one month will be removed from Guild.
  • Members must treat one another with respect and dignity, and remember that when dealing with other guild members, real life takes precedence over game time.
  • Members will refrain from making racist or sexist remarks on Mumbe, or in guild chat, and keep in mind that not everyone has the same sense of humor.
  • Above all else, we ask each guild member to have fun!!

I’ve added you to friends, and I’ll try to contact you in game to see if we are a good fit for you. You can reach me in game as Sinner, via these forums, or feel free to apply to Cynical by clicking HERE

Best of luck in your search for a guild!


Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: Ducksworth.4890


Thanks for all the great guilds, guys. Right now though, money is a bit tight. So xfering may have to wait, sadly. I’ve seen several that are really interesting, and seem like it’d be more of a family/friend instead of an impersonal guild environment. I will certainly let those of you know who I am interested in, though.

Looking for a new guild to call home.

in Guilds

Posted by: Raven Verakie.4128

Raven Verakie.4128

Guild Information:

We are a med sized guild that participates in all aspects of the game. We enjoy everything from PvE to WvW. We are building a great base of friendly, helpful, laid back, easy going members to have fun with in game. We are putting a structure in place to teach new players how some of the mechanics work and we are seeking more veteran players as well. We run dungeons on a daily basis including fractals and hope to build a powerhouse WvW presence. We currently have a TS voice server and welcome the use of it as well as active use of guild chat. We run guild missions every Thursday and Sunday in the evenings and Wednesday and Saturday in the evenings with our alliance. Our alliance is growing all the time and will offer many oppertunities to party with some cool people to get things done. We do require our members to Represent the guild . We have a Mature member base and couple friendly. We DO NOT TOLERATE RACISM OR PREJUDICE OF ANY KIND!! and we ask that you treat members as you would want to be treated.

We currently have a guild website (www.holgw2.com)but are in the process of building an alliance website so the guild site is not really used that much.

if you have interest in the guild please pm me in game ( Raven Verakie.4128) or leave me a pm here or reply to this post

Thank you for taking the time to read this post!