Looking for a place for Casual, altaholic, mature, friendly player, who won't voip?

Looking for a place for Casual, altaholic, mature, friendly player, who won't voip?

in Guilds

Posted by: kerskine.6934


As the title says let’s say I’m a 40+ player. (40+ sounds better than the truth). I have 8 character (1 of everything), no real main character. My goal is to play them all to 80. Highest is 50 something, some 30’s, 20’s …

I played Everquest back in the days where Evercrack nearly ruined my life so I’ll never get back into raids that keep me up until 2:00am on a workday.

I have a resonable grasp of tactics and strategy. Can’t say my hand eye coordination is up to pro-standards, but I am learning to move and dodge. I at least understand the need for it.

I pretty much just do PvE. Well okay, I’ve only done PvE. Someday I could see doing some WvW here and there but I’d never make it the only thing I did and other than times stated below, I could easily start and then bow out. I’m the kind of person who will run across the map or fight through a horde to keep a dead player from having to pay to get rezzed at a waypoint. I’ll probably never get a legendary, but I’d be more than happy to help others gather what they need if I can.

My biggest personal need will be Story Mode dungeons. I’d much rather do them with people I’ve played with. I’m also the kind of player that would gladly help other guild members do story mode dungeons once I had a clue.

Some catches are that the only times I could be counted on for uninterrupted time would be Saturday and Sundat mornings (EST), or sometimes late Friday or Saturday evenings (althoug I much prefer mornings).

And I’ll never use any kind of voice chat. My wife would pull the plug on me in a heartbeat if I started that I understand that for many guilds it’s mandatory and I also understand how much easier it is to coordinate things, but it ain’t gonna happen.

So is there a place for a friendly old-timer?

Looking for a place for Casual, altaholic, mature, friendly player, who won't voip?

in Guilds

Posted by: doomkeep.6739


I’d be happy to talk with you about my guild, Supply and Demand [SAnD]. I’m actually 49 myself, and the majority of the folks in the guild are 30+. We do all kinds of content in GW2 and that includes a lot of dungeon runs. Needless to say, we’d be happy to also show you the ropes in WvW – it can be a real blast with the right group of people.
Please feel free to look here for an overview of what we’re all about:
We do tend to use voice chat (vent) for coordination purposes, but we don’t require that folks actually talk – in fact we’ve got a fair number of members who simply tune in and type in guild chat when they want to add to the conversation.
If you think we might be a good fit for you, please either drop me a PM or find me in game. Best of luck and hope to speak with you soon!
- Doom

Guild leader, Supply and Demand [SAnD]
Downed Fill Pillows – Guardian
Maguuma server

Looking for a place for Casual, altaholic, mature, friendly player, who won't voip?

in Guilds

Posted by: Malifect.2310



I am the guild leader for Cry Havoc. We’re a small guild on Emhry bay. Now, you may think small = bad, but that just means that there is room for you! we have 12 players, (all adults except for my 15 eyar old son) and we love this game too!

we usually play from 2 or 3 eastern till about 10 or 11 eastern, but you can find some of our guys on all night. We run dungeons daily, and I might brag a little and say we’re getting pretty good at it.

We use ventrilo for everything…we’re usually yacking about something in there, even if it isnt necessarily about the game, its more social. but we require everyone to have it, so that we can be better organized.

We are a group of friends, but we arent a clique, so there wont be any problem with you not being able to get in on what we’re doing.

last thing is, we are on the Emhry bay server, but as of right now, server transferrs are free, so as long as you use ventrilo, we’d love to have you.

im sure you will have a hundred people trying to get you to join their guild
but think about it, its a buyers market for sure


Looking for a place for Casual, altaholic, mature, friendly player, who won't voip?

in Guilds

Posted by: dean andrew.5031

dean andrew.5031

Hello Kerskine, I am the leader of The Forge of Heroes, we are a small guild looking for friendly people to help the guild grow, we are located on the Ring of Fire server (EU) so im not sure if that would work out for you (not sure where you are located) the guild is based around making a community of friends. From there we wont be tied down to any specific times or content (try to do some of everything) if this interests you or if you have any questions please feel free to ask me.