Looking for a singapore guild
Hi there fellow singaporean ^^ (I am a singaporean too)
Below is our Guild stationed in Tarnished coast
We are very active
do PM me for more info
Guilds on Stormbluff Isle based in Singapore or have many SG members are:
Synapse ( SYN )
Yakisoba ( Yaki )
Crimson Sky [Sky]
There are also many Singaporeans in other SBi mixed guilds as well.
*Crimson Sky [Sky] *
A small guild of 100+ members currently, 80% Oceanic (SG/PH/AUS/NZD/MY/Indo) and 20% NA.
Some casual and a handful of super hard cores who plays around the clock.Currently focusing on WvW (Commander Acexor in guild), we do also run other activities – PvE (Instances/DEs), sPVP.
We are actively recruiting members for WvW (not mandatory, but prefer members who are keen to participate), welcome all levels/classes.
Look for any of us with [Sky] tag and join our crazy fun-loving family!
P/S: For guild related issues, feel free to contact any of our leaders: Acexor, I Gotcha Back Bro, Kyzrael
Kyzrael 80 Mesmer [Sky]
Strike Force