Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger
I’m looking for a guild which is both active and friendly. I’m tired of joining guilds which say “Oh we do lots of things together” but really, there is only a core group of players who wont bring in anyone else and asking for a group usually results in no response.
I am a very loyal guild member, I will help those who need help. I will give members items they may need but cannot afford (if I know them well enough) and I generally like to play Guild Wars 2 in groups.
Maturity is a must, also vent is a plus. I’m not looking for anything hardcore, just a casual guild with lots of activity across all of what GW2 has to offer and big goals.
I have 3 level 80s currently.
Level 80 Human Mesmer
Level 80 Norn Guardian
Level 80 Human Ranger
If you would like me to join your guild, please leave your information either here, or send me a private message on these forums. Please do not message me in game with information regarding your guild, I’d rather have it done through the forums.
My guild Lil Ones [LO] on Ferguson’s Crossing may be a good fit. We’re a casual, adult member, guild that is looking for a solid group of active members. I invite you to read my post about LO. If we sound like a good fit, please get in touch. I hope to hear from you.
Heya Hexgame,
Our Guild is on the Desolation server and play both pve and pvp.
We have a nice community and support teamplay.
If you have time check out our topic to see if our guild fills your needs:
Whitelions [Claw]
If you have any questions be free to mail me.
Kind Regards,
Hi Hexgame
Not sure if you’re still looking but if you are we are a small guild in Aurora Glade and are trying to get together a group of people that will do events together and generally help each other out. We do both PvE and WvWvW but also some sPvP too. I’m afraid we don’t have vent but we do use TeamSpeak.
If you’re interested then feel free to message me, draywin.5218 or Zdex.2475 alternatively you can apply on our website
Home World: Yak’s Bend
Guild Name: Death Enforcement Agency
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Rowdyrowdy / BobbyK.9730
Focus: Mainly PVE, some PVP, huge guild events frequently
Quick Notes: 170+ members with 2 basic rules.
1) Respect others
2) Represent!
We’re a very active guild that was made exclusively for players who enjoy grouping up and playing the game with other people a majority of the time.
Last night we had a guild event for lvl 1 and up characters where we did all the events in Plains of Ashford.
Sat. 9PM EST we have a guild event for everyone lvl 25 and up in Lornar’s Pass (lvl 25-40 area)
Sunday night 9PM EST we are having a guild event for lvls 70-80 in either Straights of Devastation or Malchor’s Leap, depending on the average level of who goes.
Our guild events are not mandatory.
I am the leader of the guild and I always plan events to keep it fun and give us something to do as a guild.
Hi Hexgame!
Sounds like we might be a good fit for you! Check out this link –
We’d love to have you join us!
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