Looking for an active server/guild
Life is a Glitch on Sanctum of Rall. Currently the guild I’m in (in fact the 2nd guild I joined since launch and the one I stayed in and rep all the time). We have give or take between 20 to 60 people on at any given time, usually around 40-50 people on. We run every dungeon available and there’s guild events and the guild makes up the majority of the players that participate in every DE on the server (Dragons, Belthazar, Grenth etc). We also have dedicated WvW times and aside from those times there’s almost always a few of us in WvW who form a party and just go out there and do stuff.
If you’re interested our guild leader’s ign is Coakley Oakley (Coakleythegoat.6509) if you’re interested.
www.lifeisaglitch.com for more information if you need it.
If you decide to give us a try, PM Coakley and tell him you heard about LAG from Jhalil.
I should however let you know that we have a policy of keeping GC clean as we have older people playing with their children in the guild. We have a TS3 server and you can be as vulgar as you want on there in the proper rooms for it :P
The guild looks to be a very nice one, but im looking for a EU guild (i forgot to mention that in the post) because i think ill lag if i switch to NA…
Hello MrTitan,
I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.
We have 92 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.
We have a mature member base, I would not mind taking a few
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.
Although we are small, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.
We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeon & FotM runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members every day as well.
We use RaidCall to talk, and a lot of us are on there on a daily basis as well.
Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/
Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld
I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!
Note: if our server looks like its full, all of our members managed to transfer within 10 minutes, hope that helps:)
in game character: Xena Love/Luna Loves, whisper me any time.
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle
CGU (Crimson Guards United Gaming) is recruiting
Check out our original post here :