Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Cloudfire.8521


I’m looking for a casual (or perhaps semi-casual is a better term) guild for me and my husband. (He has an 80 Mesmer and I have an 80 Guardian and Ranger). We played the game at launch, took a break for a few months whilst overwhelmed by school, and have returned for some time. We’ve always been guild-less (in GW2 at least!) and we were fairly happy that way. However, since returning we’ve found that it is impossible to pug a group that can even get through the more challenging dungeons, let alone in a reasonable amount of time.

We’re both full time graduate students and we definitely don’t want a guild that is going to micro-manage our specs or make us get up at 2am for WvW. We’re fairly active most weekdays and more so on weekends, and we’d simply like competent, mature people to do dungeons or PvP or other things with with during those times.

Not being able to find reasonable people to play with (and get through content) is kind of becoming game-breaking for us, so we’d be ecstatic to find a place where we can fit. We’re in NA so we’d like to keep it somewhere around out time zone to make sure we get the most out of the guild. We’re currently on Crystal Desert but we’d be happy to guest as a trial or eventually even transfer if need be if we can find the right guild.

Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: bobomonkey.3685


Hey Cloudfire!

We’ve got a Small/Medium sized guild on Darkhaven called Order of Shadows that is an 18+ guild mostly comprised of family and friends, making it a very tight knit community that thrives on helping each other out and enjoying the game together. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to our group as well!

We’re CST and EST based with a few overseas people that are on around the same times we are.

While we mostly focus on PvE, we do run events every week, everything from wvw, dungeons, fractals and once guild missions are in we’ll be scheduling those as well. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in check us out at http://www.orderofshadows.net and you can also PM either here or in game if you have any questions for me as well. We have a vent server that we use when we do events together, and even sometimes when we’re just playing.

As far as our server goes it’s fairly well populated in PvE and we’ve won the last three WvW matchups we’ve had as well. We’re also ranked within the top 15 WvW servers the last time I checked.

I really hope you’ll check us out and think about joining us!

I hope to hear from you soon, and if not I hope you find a great guild to call home!


Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: evildeadjunky.1576


Sent you a pm about my guild, Remnants of Hope.

Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


Shooting you a PM!

Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Dragon Relic.8216

Dragon Relic.8216


We are a couple’s friendly guild as we have 4 couples atm hehe. Check us out.

(edited by Dragon Relic.8216)

Looking for casual PvE/PvX guild

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786
