Looking for friends

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: Zach.9063


Hey all, i currently play on Tarnished Coast and i need a guild or some people to play with. My highest level character is my 58 engineer. I’m in the process of leveling a warrior and archer also. I’m looking for an active guild or people to start one possibly.

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: RoBlade.7859


PM-ed you man! Like a min ago haha. I be stalking the forums!

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: Xavier.2356


Hi Zach!

If you are willing to transfer to Maguuma I am running a friends and family guild that you could call home. We are a relatively small but active guild (especially in the evenings). Check out our bio below and let me know if you are interested.

Home World: Maguuma
Guild Name: Heroic Heroes of Heroism [HHH]
Focus: PvE and PvP (mostly WvW)

VoIP: Ventrillo

Prime time: 8 PM – 12 AM Eastern, and anytime on weekends

Our guild has one rule: thou shall not be a prick.

Heroic Heroes of Heroism was founded by several friends who have known each other, and have gamed together for well over 10 years. As adults, at this point in our lives many of us have full time jobs, significant others, and / or children of our own. While our personal lives and entanglements may take up much of our time and attention, there still remains at least one constant: we love to game together and interact with like minded people!

We wanted to create a Guild Wars 2 guild where all kinds of great and friendly players could pool together to enhance their gaming experience, regardless of whether your schedule is busy or flexible. A place where all players involved felt like they were a part of a meaningful community of great people. Above all else, we just want to PLAY and have a great time doing it! We do not have any mandatory events which require you to commit regular play time, but we highly encourage our members to organize optional nights and activities as long as your fellow players in the guild are kept in mind.

If you want to join a group of mature, open minded, and at times hilariously demented people (in a non-murderous kind of way), then we would love to have you on-board to take this ride with HHH. Hell, we’ll even cater to anti-social cat lovers!

Please feel free to contact us via in game mail, whisper, or a PM on the forums.

Dr Higgs Boson/Xavier.2356

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: blur.7918


Come over to Dragonbrand, and have a GREAT social experience with us.


Lion’s Arch Irregulars

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: Rebeth.9167


Hello, I am the leader of The Tyrian Guardianship and I am interested in recruiting some new members. We are a casual guild, and very fresh off the block, here is some basic

information about us. :]

Name: The Tyrian Guardianship [TTG]
Server: The Gate of Madness
Members: (As of 11/2/12) 4
Our Activities: Helping with Personal Stories, Daily events, random slayings, and exploring.
(I’m sure we will be doing PvP and PvW later but we need more members to do that.)

How to contact us:

Character’s name: Lirael Touchstone, feel free to PM if not online, if online whisper at anytime.
Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/groups/368313283255515/
Official Guild Wars 2 name: Rebeth.9167
Guild Email: Rebeth.9167@ymail.com

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: rose.8537



Hey mate Apex currently recruiting for more info check link or pm me :P

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Zach,

Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 15-25 players out of 90’ish members.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar


Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: Sirref.8174


Hey all, i currently play on Tarnished Coast and i need a guild or some people to play with. My highest level character is my 58 engineer. I’m in the process of leveling a warrior and archer also. I’m looking for an active guild or people to start one possibly.

Hey Zach,

I’m the guild leader of the Rofl Knights. We’re a new guild. We’re pretty laid back; our guild is all about having fun and making friends. We play all the content in the game: PvE, WvW, sPvP, dungeons, etc. We welcome veteran players and new players alike.

You can check us out here on the Guild Wars 2 forums : Rofl Knights [RK]
Or you can visit our website at : Rofl Kights [RK] GuildLaunch

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me here or in game


Rofl Knights [RK] Guild Leader
Fort Aspenwood
College of Statics 2012

Looking for friends

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Zach,

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cosy laid back guild.

We have only 32 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we still maintain to keep the family feeling.

Most of our members are 18+ right now, I would not mind taking younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are small, we have a very active group of people now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have RaidCall, and all actives are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch

in game character: Xena Love/Luna Loves, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle