Looking for guild (Tarnished Coast)

Looking for guild (Tarnished Coast)

in Guilds

Posted by: Aegrahm.4952


Hello all! So, hear’s the deal: I love GW2. I played GW for years, and have been playing GW2 since release, and love it. I have always been a big PvE player, but would like to get in to doing dungeons and fractals. I would like to join a guild that is lore-savy and full of people who simply just enjoy the game – no weird requirements, no min-maxing. I’m 22 and finishing a degree, so I don’t have time to be on every day for multiple hours, and I’d prefer to join a group that has a more mature (not saying that I’m mature by any token, but you know what I mean) atmosphere, but isn’t too serious. RP is not a must by any means, as I totally suck at it but enjoy it immensely. I don’t give a crap how many upgrades your guild has, so don’t bother spamming that at me. Just looking for a group to hang out and have fun with while playing my favorite game

Thanks for reading, and for your consideration!

(edited by Aegrahm.4952)

Looking for guild (Tarnished Coast)

in Guilds

Posted by: Orbixitron.3218


Recently started a guild that sounds a little like what you might be looking for. We are on Tarnished Coast too.

We are a friendly, laid back bunch just enjoying GW2 for all that it is. We don’t have many requirements past people being sociable within the guild and just joining in and having a blast.

Recruitment post is just about here.

We have a website located at www.meowguild.shivtr.com too where you can come chat to us, have a nose around and apply if you like what you see.

Like I said, we are still new so there is a little bit of growing to do. If you are looking for a large established guild then we might not be for you. But if you don’t mind being part of a growing community I’d certainly say welcome aboard!

Good luck in your search for a guild!

Looking for guild (Tarnished Coast)

in Guilds

Posted by: Khrimace.6298



I’m new to the recruiting on forums, but if you’d like, you’re more than welcome to join us sometime this weekend. You can send me or Vancien a tell.

We like to have a lot of fun and help each other out whenever possible. We don’t have any weird requirements or mix/maxing.