(edited by Aegrahm.4952)
Looking for guild (Tarnished Coast)
Recently started a guild that sounds a little like what you might be looking for. We are on Tarnished Coast too.
We are a friendly, laid back bunch just enjoying GW2 for all that it is. We don’t have many requirements past people being sociable within the guild and just joining in and having a blast.
Recruitment post is just about here.
We have a website located at www.meowguild.shivtr.com too where you can come chat to us, have a nose around and apply if you like what you see.
Like I said, we are still new so there is a little bit of growing to do. If you are looking for a large established guild then we might not be for you. But if you don’t mind being part of a growing community I’d certainly say welcome aboard!
Good luck in your search for a guild!
I’m new to the recruiting on forums, but if you’d like, you’re more than welcome to join us sometime this weekend. You can send me or Vancien a tell.
We like to have a lot of fun and help each other out whenever possible. We don’t have any weird requirements or mix/maxing.