Looking for guild Tarnished coast
Greetings and Hello,
Wolves was created in 2005 in Guild Wars. We have had our up and downs but still here and Proud of it. Now we have also moved to Guild Wars 2.
We invite you to visit our guild and talk with us either in game or vent. We ask that you might give us couple weeks and since you can be in more than one guild to test us out. We are mainly 18 and older amd work and/or university and/or have families to take care of. We are mainly in a American time zones, but have a few Euros that came with us from Guild Wars. We log on to have fun and relax, so I am guessing this is considered a casual guild. I don’t want to make the game a job, but hoping we have people that will play with us daily. Wolves is a family/pack, we watch and help each other and work together as a team. We are slowly rebuilding the guild at this time. We are looking for people, willing to help us grow. We are friendly and very chatty and will do what we can or when we can.
We do offer ventilo but not mandatory to use it, though it can be helpful in dungeons and pvp and a forum. We have a mixture of people that do Pve and Pvp, dungeons, and Wvw. We are in Tarnish Coast and prefer you be in this server, but will take people from other servers and hope you will decide to join us on our server to gain the perks. We are also looking for new officers. No promises will have to talk. If you like to play other on-line games, we have guildies that may play or enjoy playing with you such as (Lol, steam, Wow, Aion, Tera, SC, D3) to name a few.
PM me Fire Opal, Marsh, Micky Blitzkrieg, or Coyote in game or send us a email for contact, due to we maybe on a different character and you cannot contact us directly. Or go to the forum and give a post.
PM me to talk
Fire Opal
Lady of the Guild