Looking for guild on Jade Quarry
Hi DarkHart!
First, welcome back to the game! You’re back in time for some neat, new content Now, based on what you’ve mentioned, I think my guild, Ebon Verity, might be a good fit for you. Here’s a little about us:
Ebon Verity [EV] is a fun, active, casual Jade Quarry guild looking to expand. We believe the purpose of the game is to simply have fun and accomplish your goals. We are a PvX guild that is drama free and already has most of the guild upgrades complete (we already have guild missions up and going and are close to unlocking the guild treks).
Ebon Verity operates on a system of trust. We feel all members should be allowed an equal say and share in their guild. As you participate with us more, the better opportunities within the guild that become available to you and the more perks you are entrusted with (i.e. the ability to activate upgrades, queue new build orders, withdraw items from the bank, etc.).
We do not currently have organized nightly events, but every night we do get together and do the chest runs for the guaranteed rare item. We love to run dungeons and fractals and several of us spend many hours in WvW. For guild bounties, we tend to run these a couple times throughout the week to make sure everyone gets the personal rewards. We use Mumble to communicate with each other throughout the day (not required, but recommended) and to coordinate during events (highly recommended).
Our rules are simple. If you like what you see in the guild, just be as active as you can. Multi-guilding is acceptable. You must also be 16 years of age or older (which you’re 19, so you’re good to go here).
If you’re interested, we’d love to have you and show you some of the new content that has come out since you’ve been away. Feel free to whisper/message me in game if you have any questions. Our website is below if you’d like any further information on us. Good luck in your decision and hope to hear back from you soon!
Website: www.ebonverity.com