Looking for mature group oriented guild.

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Void.8630


Looking for a guild that wants to work as a team and have events in wvw and such. Kinda serious and not over crowded. Guild I’m in now has a beaver as the Guild Sigil, lol can tell it’s not serious so I’d rather not stay around for the the long term there. I’m a lvl 78 Warrior, not through crafting, but old fashioned grinding. I play on Maguuma, US preferred.

(edited by Void.8630)

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: JTShadow.5860


Hello, my guild may be a good fit for you. We are trying to increase our number of active WvW players. I can assure you our guild banner is not a beaver and we do take the game seriously, but we still treat it as a game. Theres no yelling/raging, everyone does their best, we may offer tips or advice, but everyone is accepted for who they are. Take a look at my recruitment thread and tell me what you think. We are on Dragonbrand so you would have to take advantage of their free transfers. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Dragonbrand-No-Remorse-Gaming-NRG-is-recruiting/23565

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: geus.1897


you can join if you want to come on Yak bend guild Obsidian Fear www,obsidianfear.com

Guild Leader Obsidian Fear

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: dtfauss.5729


We’re on Borlis Pass, and we’re a mix of casual PvE/dungeon runners and WvW.
Mature experienced gamers many of whom have RL ties.
Come check out our website http://redsky.enjin.com/home
Or jump on our mumble during afternoon/evening hours and chat us up.

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Kuwagtx.9360


<One Bad Idea> PvX+sPvP increasing its ranks. We are a 74+ member guild with experience on other MMOs. Some Gladiators and end-game raiders want you to join our ranks feel free to contact me for questions. We run guild boosters daily to help our members progress and organize groups to walkthrough WvW/PvE content. We also were looking for a few more people to join for our tournament team. Contact me in game or find us at http://www.facebook.com/OneBadIdea.

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Jezath.7395


We are an active casual friendly guild with a big emphasis on community. Most of our playerbase is currently at the low to mid level range. We have guild crafters, fun guild events and we do WvW every saturday. We have Teamspeak 3 and a great website!

Please message me or any other Dotd member ingame for more information or an invite or both we have english, swedish, hungarian honk kong and many different nationalitys within the guild, so everyone is welcome

As we learn more about our builds we will get more organised as a guild towards proper teamed dungeon runs and wvw/pvp tourneys..

Our webby is http://defendersofthedire.enjin.com/ so come say hi!

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: bladie.5084


Sup Void! Man, we have 3 lvl 80 warriors in guild already, so i think you’ll fit in just well! Pretty small guild but with our consistency and recruiting, we can hit medium size guild in 2 weeks! and with 50 actives in 2 months! Very hyped and we love and respect the game. Real people with no bullcrap. I grinded 40+ levels on WvWvW to hit 80. Grinding is the way to go lol. Ferguson’s Crossing – Aeterna [Ae] IGN: Alpha Bladie. You don’t wanna miss out on a fresh guild with veteran retired players that formed up again on impulse to play GW2 for the love competition and GVG end games.

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367



We run a lot of group events and dungeons as well as wvw. Let us know.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Looking for mature group oriented guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


You might want to check out Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] an International PvX Guild playing on Desolation [EU]. Our Recruitment post can be found here;

We also have our very own website: http://www.exg-guild.com
And an Official Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/exgdn

Team Aggression [TA]