Looking for serious guild

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Elvin Rnager.3978

Elvin Rnager.3978

Hello my name is Michael I am 24 years old, I am an inexperienced GW2 player. But I have player GW for years before so I have a basic idea (I think). So if you are part of a serious guild and willing to teach a newbie I think that I can grow to be a worthwhile member in your guild. thank you.

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Scootabuser.4915


Brace yourself for the copy-pasta 400+ members guilds.

Insert Personal Achievements and/or Youtube Channel Here

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Elvin Rnager.3978

Elvin Rnager.3978

braced and ready to go! lol

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: RagingDragon.9475


I sent you a PM.

Also would help if you listed the server and times you play, might cut down on the mass recruiters.

Commander Kane Ragingdragon
Knights of Ares [ARES] - Apply Now
Website: http://knights-of-ares.enjin.com/

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Rits.4036


Hey Michael!

I always make sure I address everyone personally [UM] is a friendly and mature NA guild that provides a helpful and fun atmosphere. We are very open to helping out newbies, everyone can learn something from each other even our vets! If you want to chat or have any questions, don’t hesitate. I’ll post our guild blurb and let you find out more about us that way.

Good luck in your search and thank you for reading!

Who We Are
We are a PvX guild with a pride in respecting others, no matter their play style or play level. We also are tight knit and enjoy getting to know one another through activities such as Dungeons, WvW, Fractals, sPvP, or partying up in PvE to do Orr events and
Dragons, and even helping with lvling main characters and alts.

The Unholy Mackerels has a core group of active members and we are building upon that, however doing so slowly so we get to know each and every one. We currently are a medium size guild with 55 members and with 20+ of us active daily, consisting of mostly NA members.

We are quite the social guild through teamspeak and guild chat. We use teamspeak but do not require it. Our newer members can listen in on the first few days and talk when they feel comfortable, however most talk within minutes because of how easy going everyone is!

What We Do
We currently run weekly scheduled WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Treks and Guild Bounties and do any of the above throughout the week off schedule. Also we provide FUN events and random guild chat trivia with prizes. There is always something going on daily, usually any time after 6pm EST – 2am EST during the weekdays and any time during the weekends.

What Server We Are On
You can find us on the Fort Aspenwood server. A tier 2 server for WvW, has quite a busy PvE population in maps, has a friendly community forums for all things GW2, also has a community teamspeak where everyone is welcome and also has our own guild channel (however we use our private TS in most cases), and a server that enjoys working together through good communication while playing to just have fun.

What if I’m not on FA?
No fear! UM allows recruits to guest for up to a month in order to help everyone to have time to gather in game gold or irl money in order to transfer. Our staff and members are also more than willing to help by running events to help out! With all the events we run it is very easy to make the money to transfer in as little as a week.

How to Join Us!
Take a look around on our website to see more about us and our events we run and click “Join” to fill out our simple and easy app. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us, we would definitely be happy to answer!

GM: Rits.4036
Officers: Jinxey.4173


Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Elvin Rnager.3978

Elvin Rnager.3978

Thank you for the heads up RagingDragon, like i said I am a noob lol already forgetting the important details i know… I play on Ehmry Bay, and Eastern Standard time. Thank you everyone for your posts so far I will be checking them all out before I make a decision.

Looking for serious guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Keegen.2548


Sent you a PM Michael, good luck on your search.