Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Thyme.9481


I’m currently in Ehmry Bay, but would be willing to transfer to another server for WvW. I’d prefer to be in a lower tier server but that isn’t a priority. Like the title says, I’m mostly just looking for a smaller, more personable guild which does at least some WvW. My timezone is est.

(edited by Thyme.9481)

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Thyme.9481


Don’t be shy, I’m not picky.

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Jaskra.6940


I’ll admit that my own guild I Wanna Be A Super Villain [EVIL] is more PvE based; despite my efforts to get a more active WvW force. That said, our guild might not be the one for you, but I would encourage you to look at our server Blackgate. It’s Upper-mid tier currently and has a very active WvW force.

Blackgate is in the top 5 for WvW on US servers & is a US/AUS/Oceanic server. The main WvW guild Lords of the Dead has been an active PvP guild since 1997 and leads the charge for the WvW guilds on Blackgate. It is a highly focused and dedicated server for WvW and does very well, usually ending up on top at the end of the WvW Ranking battle.I would encourage you to scout out: www.blackgatewvw.com for some of our WvW guilds. =) There are several great options like: LotD, ICoa, LLB, RUIN, etc…to name a few (these are just a same of some of the large WvW guilds that I can remember off the top of my head, not who is the “best.” Good luck!

Jaskra Ryonative ~ Mesmer
Meredith Nic Éssus ~ Necromancer

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Boom.6148


Howdy Thyme,

Black Crescent is recruiting and welcome all skill levels!
We are very casual, small/medium size guild on Northern Shiverpeaks (soon to be tier 7 server).

You can check out my guild recruitment post >>here<< for more info or just let me know if you have any questions.

Contact me here on the forum or later tonight in game!

Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: JaironKalach.4938


Hi, Thyme… AUK is currently ultra small, but we (I?) run in WvWvW fairly regularly on Maguuma. On Maguuma, it really doesn’t take being part of a big guild to make a difference in WvWvW. If you or others are interested, feel free to PM me in game or just stop by our website and apply.

I play on Maguuma
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Chaosx.2471


Hi Thyme!

I’d like to invite you to check out Cynical, our website is http://cynical-gw2.guildlaunch.com.

We are a semi-casual PVX, EST, NA Guild of approx. 160+ players on the Tarnished Coast server (currently a T3 server working towards T2). On a normal night during primetime, we have approx. 60+ guild members on. We are all working class adults, and we do not recruit members below the age of 18. We regularly schedule WvW Events throughout the week, as well as PvE and Spvp as well.

WvWvW Focus:
Cynical runs both offensive and defensive teams in WvWvW, as well as “Strike teams” to capture supply camps and kill yaks. We also have scouts who roam the map and gather intel and call targets. All our teams have the ability to gather together to also form a small guild zerg to take larger objectives, or run independently. This allows our guild to cater to those who prefer “zergs”, and also to those who prefer the small party feeling.


  • Dedicated nights to all aspects of the game; PvE/SPvP,/Wv3 + Guild Events each night!
  • Structured PVE, Wv3, Spvp, Questing, and Dungeon Groups
  • 6 Commanders (who also command in PvE)
  • (PST) Dungeon/Fractal Run Groups & Saturday Story Mode Dungeon Run Groups
  • Special Holiday Events & Contests
  • Dedicated Officer roles for each aspect of GW2; WvWvW, SPvP, and PvE
  • Guild website with calendar, private messaging, dedicated forums, and more!
  • Voice chat server is Mumble with tons of slots
  • A fun and friendly community of mmorpg veterans
  • Guild Mentoring Program & Inter-guild crafting
  • Guild Contests, Prizes and events, and Raffles
  • Full Guild Buffs & 250 Slot Guild bank, including M/F and gathering 24/7


  • Members must be over the age of 18 years old, as we are an adult guild.
  • Members who are absent for more than a month with no forum post are removed
  • Members agree to ONLY rep CYN (personal Guild banks are allowed)
  • Members MUST have a microphone and use Mumble voice chat in Guild Groups
  • Members agree to log on to the guild website at least once a week. Members who do not log on after one month will be removed from Guild.
  • Members must treat one another with respect and dignity, and remember that when dealing with other guild members, real life takes precedence over game time.
  • Members will refrain from making racist or sexist remarks on Mumbe, or in guild chat, and keep in mind that not everyone has the same sense of humor.
  • Above all else, we ask each guild member to have fun!!

I’ve added you to friends, and I’ll try to contact you in game to see if we are a good fit for you. You can reach me in game as Sinner, via these forums, or feel free to apply to Cynical by clicking HERE

Best of luck in your search for a guild!


Sinner – GM & Commander
[CYN] Cynical – http://cynicalgw2.com
[TC] Tarnished Coast

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Rits.4036


Heya Thyme, you sound like the perfect fit for our guild! Check us out!

I also sent you a PM with more details.

Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Hello there, sending you a PM

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: katsu.4052


Hello, we are actively recruiting on Kaineng server. Check us out as well!


NA | Sea of Sorrows

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: CGUdemon.2786


Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: NorthStar.3798



We are on Sanctum of Rall server and we are very active and friendly semi-hard core guild that focus mostly on WvW and PvE.

Our guild information is below:


Tag: [VNG]
Focus: Casual and Semi – Hardcore
Time Zone: Mostly EST and PST
VOIP – Mumble
Website: http://www.VengeanceClan.com

If you have any questions please PM me here or in the game!

Sanctum of Rall

Looking for small-medium sized WvW/PvE guild

in Guilds

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


Hey Thyme! Check us out! We’re on Crystal Desert (you’re fighting us in WvW right now!)

We are an Eastern Time guild that does lots of WvW, PvP, and PvE. We are crazy friendly, helpful, and always working together. We are about 100 members strong so we fit in the small-medium category.

We use mumble and have a custom, fancy-smancy website that isn’t just an enjin one: http://www.obeythelime.com

Best of luck in your search!

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com