Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: FluffyDoe.7539


Hello guild recruiters,

I am look for a guild that does ‘cooperative’ hardcore PVE stuffs, such as lots of explorable dungeons or explorations to the dangerous zones of Tyria – preferably in a group.

Personality wise, I am friendly in nature. Very chill’ed in terms of following instructions and taking a given role in a group. Loves to take on challenges like spending 2-3 hours figuring out a dungeon sequence, even if it means having to go through lots of failure tries to accomplish the task.

Here’s also something different with this post…

I am also ‘looking for’ a guild which posses “players who don’t shy away from doing difficult tasks”. If this is also the meta that your guild posses, then I think we can definitely work together >=P

If you are interested and would like to contact me, please mail me in-game @ Acc. Name: Fluffy Doe.

Related Info – Profile:
Class: Mesmer.
Level: Currently lv. 80.
Server Status: (Willing to switch over to any guild servers).


I hope a this point, you’ve understand what I have to offer, & I hope you’ve found a suitable role for me to chip’ in for your guild.

That’s all. Thank you all for taking the time to read through my post.



(edited by FluffyDoe.7539)

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Minax.4083


http://sinclangaming.tk/ or pm me i can answer anything u need to know

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: The Kape.3672

The Kape.3672

[WHAT] http://gw2what.shivtr.com
Your Home Hardcore PvE Guild focused in doing Speed/Record Runs & Guild Missions!

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: dtfauss.5729


Free transfers to other servers are still available.
We’re on Borlis Pass, and we’re a mix of casual PvE/dungeon runners and WvW.
Mature experienced gamers many of whom have RL ties.
Come check out our website http://redsky.enjin.com/home
Or jump on our mumble during afternoon/evening hours and chat us up.

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: bladie.5084


Hey fluffy! We’re a pretty semihardcore/hardcore guild atm! semis doing 4-6 hours a day and hardcores doing 14 hours avg a day! We’ve got a really nice amount of lvl 80’s always online (it’s a secret, u have to join to know how many) waiting for you to hit lvl 80 with us! Currently we’re doing hardcore WvWvW and farming dungeuns for badges for exotic gears! A lvl 73 thief joined us a couple days ago and we helped him get into a lvl 80 map and farmed gold with us and gave him advice, 1 hour later he gained 7 levels and poof, lvl 80! So yeah, we’re not shady, group of real ppl, no bull SHlT. And we always like to keep everyone in the guild actively socializing with each other. Ferguson’s Crossing – Aeterna [Ae] IGN: Alpha Bladie, Toilieban, Applex, or Woo Doo !

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Grotesque.6480


Guild Name: Extraordinary Gentlemen (EXG)
Guild Age: Since Headstart of GW2 (Overal Age: 4 years)
Server: Desolation
Guild Type: Social PvE / PvP / WvWvW
Languages: International
Guild Website: http://www.exg-guild.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/exgdn
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/exgdn

ATTN: Prospective Members!

We are a very active social guild of players from all over the world who have been playing together for years. We aren’t the type of people to give up easily and call it “quits” by throwing in the towel. We won’t tolerate PvP tea parties or dungeon mega-NAPs; we play on our own terms, and we have fun doing it.This is not a guild where you’ll log in and nothing’s going on. We play Guild Wars together, We call psychic hotlines and escort services. Even if you’re not doing anything in particular, you can always come on TeamSpeak. This is where we reside and hang out most of the day. In EXG we feel that words can only express so much and that no one has to type full sentences while dodging an angry Centaur. So we feel that Voice Chat goes a long way to get us to know one another better and to perform better ingame.

What we have been up to
coming soon..

We raid at any time, farming items, slaughter with style in PvP and leveling up guildies. We treat everyone the same, and we always make sure that everybody is involved. We strive for excellence, and we strive to win. We never lose our goal out of our sight,
creating a warm social environment to experience the perfect feeling of Guild Wars. If you can give us your loyalty and the best that you can be in raids and PvP, we will be sure to take care of you and make you a part of our family. At the end of the day, and at this point in the MMORPG scene, would you rather sit in a guild with 500 people, not knowing or caring if you make a difference? Or would you rather be in a guild taking on the odds and making an impact? Up untill now, this is only the beginning. Being a Member of EXG grants endless possibilities. We give our members the oppertunity to grow inside the guild. This means they can get promotion in the ranks. This may vary from forum Admin to Ingame Officer. Due our large community and the high offer of content, alot of things needs to be done. We occasionally add careers inside our crew which helps you develop skills you can apply in real life aswell.

As we have mentioned before, we have alot of content circling around inguild. We have the typical Guild Events customized by our members and our members needs. A large forum with dozends of sections and topics where you can discuss, talk and spam the area. The forum has alot of features to play around with, to keep forum posting interesting. Not to mention our very own Guild Bar called TeamSpeak where our members reside. Also our website who gets a weekly update to stay ahead of any other guild providing the best content a player and member needs to know. (Note: Currently our new website is work in progress, so stay tuned for the big launch!)

Ofcourse we do understand that you might be very hyped about EXG right now. So are we! Due this, we are happily inviting you to our homebase at http://www.exg-guild.com . Feel free to join the forums and join in our community. Ofcourse, while you are at it, post an application aswell so you can join our community and discussions right away!

Kind regards, EXG Crew

Team Aggression [TA]

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: Kuwagtx.9360


<One Bad Idea> Sorrow’s Frunace NA PvX increasing its ranks. We are a 100+ member guild and growing with experience on other MMOs. Some Gladiators and end-game raiders want you to join our ranks.

We run guild boosters daily to help our members progress and organize groups to walkthrough WvW/PvE content. We are online mostly from 6 pm CST till late almost every day doing various activities like leveling, exploration mode on Citadel of Fire, sPvP and WvW. We still looking for experienced MMO players (regardless of amount, no one is pro at this game yet since it’s new) to increase our ranks for WvW and sPvP.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us in-game at Kuwagtx.9360, Lasian.3294, Irysh.7462 or Bronzewing.6374. You can also find us at http://www.facebook.com/OneBadIdea.

Looking to join a hardcore PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: xvi.2468


Creators of eXtreme Nightmares is a large multi-gaming clan that is currently setting up a Guild Wars 2 department. We have a Steam group with over 50.000 members following us every day. Our goal is to set a name in this Guild Wars community as well.

We are currently looking for people to strengthen our team for Guild Wars 2. If you are looking for a small group (the Guild should have a member base of 50 to 75 members in the end) of players that want to have fun in every aspect of the game, then you are in the right topic. We want to do raids, dungeons, PvP, WvW and achieve to have our map complete. None of this will be on hardcore base, but on a very social and friendly base. Play the game when you have time, real life is also important. Of course you have to stay active within the Guild/Clan, but we do not ask from you to stay online 24/7.

We have set the follow requirements:

- Be active.
- Be mature!
- 18+ would be preferred, although you could join when you are younger, but act older.
- Check out the website/forum every once and a while.
- Be able to use TS3 with a working microphone.
- Be able to speak decent English.

What do we have to offer?
- A friendly and social Guild in the game Guild Wars.
- A membership of a clan that has a well-known name in the gaming world.
- A platform (website, forum, TS3 and Steam community) were you will find friendly people to play others games or just socialize with.
- A TS3 server always filled with people ready to socialize or play a game.

As last I would like to add that we have people from all over the world in the Clan. Both North and South America, Europe and even people from India. We don’t recruit on country, everyone is welcome.

If you would like to join the Guild/Clan, please message me in the game (xvi.2468 – Underworld server) or talk to me on the TS3.
