(edited by Sorcha.2647)
Looking to join a small guild
You look like you’re trying to find a guild similar to the kind of guild I’m looking for. I’m not trying to hijack your thread by any means, but if you find a guild that fits your description, I’d be interested in joining too. I don’t mind switching servers, either. :>
Hi to both Sorcha and MissHunbun, I am the founder of Ghosty Kats, a small family-oriented guild on Emrhy Bay. We are mainly a pve guild but all play styles are welcome. Currently we have about 42 members from all over the world. Drama is to be left to a minimum and so is any foul language as I allow players of any age into the guild if they wish to join. If you would like more info you can take a look at our guild site: ghosty.enjin.com/home or you can send me a pm here on the forums or in game
Hey Sorcha and MissHunBun!
We’ve got a Small/Medium sized guild on Darkhaven called Order of Shadows that is an 18+ guild mostly comprised of family and friends, making it a very tight knit community that thrives on helping each other out and enjoying the game together. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to our group as well!
We have just under 40 members with about 20 or so active regularly, if this sounds like something that would work for you.
While we mostly focus on PvE, we do run events every week, everything from wvw, dungeons, fractals and once guild missions are in we’ll be scheduling those as well. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in check us out at http://www.orderofshadows.net and you can also PM either here or in game if you have any questions for me as well. We have a vent server that we use when we do events together, and even sometimes when we’re just playing.
As far as our server goes it’s fairly well populated in PvE and we’ve won the last few WvW matchups we’ve had as well. We’re also ranked within the top 15 WvW servers the last time I checked.
I really hope you’ll check us out and think about joining us!
I hope to hear from you soon, and if not I hope you find a great guild to call home!
Located in Sorrow’s Furnace
We are an adult, laid back community of gamers, that have enjoyed many kind of games over the years. We all are now spending a lot of time playing GW2, and would love to see some new members join us. We are slowly growing and you will usually see 3-4 of us on in the evenings. This is a no pressure guild, just fun.
We do a little of everything and are here to have a good time. We treat each other like family, and help out a fellow gamer as much as possible. We have members that love doing Fractals, WvW, and just running around PvE.
We have a ventrilo server up so we can communicate as we play.
So fill out a request to join, get you vent info, and lets do some conquering!
Please come join the fun!
- DangurXtreme
Guild Leader
We’re a fledgling guild on Ehmry Bay, but keen on running dungeons and PvE content. We aspire to get 20 members but we have around 10-12 now and hoping to recruit people like yourself and get a good spread of Aussies and North Americans, along with anyone in the Pacific/Asia areas.
PM me here or in game to chat about goals and things, if you’re at all interested.
Look for Blood Raven Nightingales on Ehmry Bay, either WynterRaven or myself would love to talk about our guild.
Leviathans Tears here, starting on growing our guild, we’re looking to focus more on the PvE side of things, dabbling in WvW and sPvP.
More info here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Leviathan-s-Tears-NA-PvX-HoD-Recruiting-Now
Message in game or on the forums here! =D
Dear Sorcha, Dear Misshunbun,
Alpharius [Alph] is a smaller guild based on the European Fissure of Woe server consisting of a variety of players (low and high levels, casual and regular). We are an Australian-based guild, meaning that our peak activity time is in the evenings of the Australian East Coast time zone for weekdays (approx 9AM onward in GMT) and weekends. We have guildmates from across Australia and Europe and a good number of multi-linguists. We focus on PvE, and do some WvW. No pressure to be “regular” – you can be casual as you wish, and no dramas. Feel free to also “guest” over to fissure of woe to try us out.
Our full information can be found here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/Guild-Wars-2-Guild-Compendium/page/16#post1403185
What we ask is that members keep it positive, civil and polite, refrain from profanity and insults (similar to the rules on this forum really), represent the guild in a positive manner (including giving helpful feedback, and suggestions on what to spend guild points on, and generally saying g’day to fellow guild members), help each other if practicable, and importantly: have fun!
We’d be happy to hear from you both, either here or in game.
Best regards,
Guild Leader of Alpharius [Alph]: a PvX guild in Gandara
Greetings Sorcha and MissHunBun!
I represent Engivation [ENVA] as one of the three guild leaders. We are located on the Tarnished Coast, the unofficial RP server. ENVA is a small tight knit guild and super friendly! We have several people in University(early 20s), we are big time gamers, and totally cat people.
One of the Triumvirate is our lore writer also loves writing, here’s some of our lore: http://enva.enjin.com/triumvirate
Please check out our guild recruitment posts, and our site! We are really fun and would love to have you!
Hey Scorcha and MissHunBun
Guild Name: Protectors Of The Will
Guild Tag: [WILL]
Server: Kaineng
We would love to add you two to our family, so if the offers not already taken. Put my guild in, I will look forward to seeing you both in game. Right now the family consist on 20 Protectors.
We are the ones who find Control in the Chaos.
~We are Mesmer’s…
Sorcha & MissHunBun,
If you guys are on SEA timezone, you may wish to join us!
Guild recruitment link:
Hi Scorcha. You’re obviously a weirdo for having 3 cats, because dogs are way cooler, but we’ll forgive you this time since you have great taste in games. Dragon Age was amazing. I think I played Origins through like 20 times and I still drool over Alistair every time. fangirl! ;P
Onto guild stuff! Not sure if you’ve picked one, but figured I’d let you know about us. We’re a bit bigger than your goal, 55 members or so, but we’re very close. We’re really looking for a few members like you, who are interested in being talkative active community members, not just a number in a guild. We have a website where we have contests and a Team Speak server where we have laughs.
We’re on Jade Quarry and the majority of our members are evenings, PST zone (between 4:00 PM – 2:00 AM is our busy time).
The invitation applies to you as well, MissHunBun!
Hello, Jacurutu is a small guild on Blackgate. We are a small knit group that plays all aspects of the game. Guild was founded by a group of friends and we plan to keep the guild friendly. If you’re interested send me a tell.
Thanks. PT
Looking for a Small Guild, join this Guild by making an account on this Guild Web and posting your character name at this webpage:
Guild page: http://world-mmo.webs.com/the-grand-alliance
YouTube: www.youtube.com/TheAdaptiveGoblins
Buy my Music: https://www.recordunion.com/Profile/76185#.VrGlqPkrKUk
MILF is a small guild on Fort Aspenwood, we have been gaming together for 7 plus years and enjoy the smaller mor family type than the larger heres your number guild.
Here is are website link iif your interested http://milf-.enjin.com/
Check out out, we are a small guild still, not looking to become a walmart guild. I hope you find what you’re looking for eventually good luck
Hi Sorcha and Misshunbun. If you havn’t found a guild yet, my guild is always recruting. We are at 42 members, but 20 active daily. We are looking to have Guild Missions in about 2 weeks, while we try to get to know everyone and stay like a family. Here is a guild ad, if you want to see. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/guilds/The-Unholy-Mackerels-UM-PVX-Fort-Aspenwood/first#post1553121 If you want to guest on our server of Fort Aspenwood first, to check out the guild, before you decide to move you always can.
Officer of The Unholy Mackerels
I think you would enjoy Bonded in Fate [FATE]! We are about 15 members strong during our prime time and we run dungeons just about every day. Message me in game or here on the forums if you have any questions or are interested in joining
It’s great to hear from another creative writer.
My guild doesn’t exactly fit the criteria, but I figured I’d give you the option since it has always been my dream to have a guild that would share writings and such.
(Also I hear you like cats and we have kittens running all over our guild hall! [Actually that last part may not be true.])
Knights of Eminence [Sir] is on Blackgate and at the moment we have 45 members, but we usually see about 11 online a day. Out of which 4-5 of us are usually hitting dungeons or fractals and one or more of us levels an alt on a daily basis. We like to call out notable events.
I need to do a little clean up, but I’m not hasty to clean all the inactive members out because we’ve had several return from 1-2 month breaks and become active for a long time.
Some weeks we do tPvP for fun. Not shooting toward super competitive. We used to do WvW fairly often, but recently we haven’t been out there. Just being honest, but we do have an interesting WvW patch coming this month and I’m sure we’ll want to check it out.
2 of us are creative writers.
Honestly not sure how many of us have cats. :P
Contact me ingame or through forum PM mail if you wish to talk further.
Looks like you guys have gotten plenty of responses and choices, and no doubt have probably already made a decision based on the previous posts. Should you not have, feel free to check us out. We are a small guild currently at 16 members as I post this, so we know each other quite well. We are located on the Northern Shiverpeaks server, and here is our website if you want to find out more about us.
Good luck wherever you end up!
Contact: Dutchess of Detroit (Genogoth.9407)
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Web: http://northernshiverpeaks.org/index.php?/groups/16-tek-the-explorers-of-kryta/
Hi Sorcha,
I run a small dungeon running guild, The Garbage Men. We are specifically focused on completing the dungeons with no speed runs and no exploits. We find it’s more fun that way and you get to talk strategy =)
We have about 20 members right now and a mumble, so you can talk to all of us ^.^
You can check out our website.
PM: Saebrial or Koerim for an invite
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for more information or if we aren’t on at the moment.
Good luck in your guild searching adventures =)
[TGM]A Guild for Clearing Dungeon Trash
Mail: Daelwyn.3967 for invite
Check the Crimson Guards out, they are an awesome group.
Hi! I would like to let you know about our new guild, Escape From LA [EfLA].
Our goal of members: around 50 people most likely 15-30 active during certain times.
Most of the people that have joined would like a smaller guild, which feels more like a family than another friend list that you did not create. Our core members that helped start the guild are all mature players. Most of them have run several dungeon paths or are Dungeon Masters. Dungeons we run everyday: Arah and Fractals. Some of our other favorites are CoE, SE, TA… well pretty much everything but the farming AC and CoF.
Guild VOIP: TeamSpeak 3
We are a fairly new guild with veteran players. The guild leaders have bought influence and currently building Art of War V on Maguuma. Our guild is also being built on Yak’s Bend for Guild Missions. We do not have a rep policy, we feel people need a reason to rep rather than it be a requirement. You will notice some players are active in other guilds at times, but when they run with us they rep us. I want this to be a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Times people play are a wide range; few of us are on during the day (EST: GMT -5) Most of our players are online later in the evening/after work/dinner. I would say 6pm-3am EST.
If we sound like the guild you are looking for please let me know. If you just want to give us a week and see how we are, that’s fine too. Hope to hear from you! Have a great evening.
-Tarixian aka Fallon
Guild Leader
Maguuma – Yak’s Bend
(edited by Fallon.2347)