Lords of Tea - need recruits

Lords of Tea - need recruits

in Guilds

Posted by: Alaric.6125


“May Tea be spread throughout Tyria.”

This is an announcement from the leader of the Lords of Tea we need new members to join our ranks in order to bolster them and to gain influence.
No matter whether you are a casual Guild Wars 2 player or one that is constantly active we are willing to induct you into our ranks, however with the pressure of the larger guilds many a small guild could lose out. This is my guild it has not been running long but we are a friendly group focusing primarily on PvE as many of our members so far have not been able to do dungeons because they could not find a group.
However our guild will be able to help with anything involving PvE either helping members in higher leveled areas or just doing dungeon runs.
So if anyone is interested message me in-game and I will consider you for a place in the guild (We are an English speaking guild).

(edited by Alaric.6125)

Lords of Tea - need recruits

in Guilds

Posted by: cacklingcat.2938


hi I don’t think you mentioned the server you are on

Lords of Tea - need recruits

in Guilds

Posted by: Alaric.6125


My guild is operating on the Fissure of Woe server.