MadCast Gaming (SoR)- Together for the Better
Awesome group of people and a very welcoming community. Come check em out
I’ve been a part of this community for over a year now, and have always been impressed. MadCast Gaming provides an incredible atmosphere for any type of gamer, and an excellent opportunity to make new friends. We have events hosted all the time, and great group of people to play with.
Currently we are expanding our size in GW2, looking for both casual and hardcore gamers alike. We run weekly events and try to make it where we can involve players of all characters levels and skill level. If you are looking for a guild with a great atmosphere and fun people to hang around, then we are for you.
Thanks for checking us out.
MadCast has been really great! I joined about a month ago and have especially appreciated the great community on TeamSpeak. GW2 is a lot more fun when you can chat with other people.
I also have to say, there have been times I was uncomfortable in other communities because I was a girl and people treated me differently. MadCast is different. I think the fact that there are many female members in MadCast can testify to that. If you have been discouraged by your experiences elsewhere, I really encourage you to come check it out. I actually stopped playing GW2 for a while because of that + some other problems with a guild, and I am happy to be back playing again with great people!
Last night was Dungeon Run night, which worked out perfectly for us to go explore the new Molten Weapons Facility. It was a great time and everyone is enjoying their new Fused Gauntlets. No one was lucky enough to get the jetpack or minipet, but hopefully we’ll have better luck on that soon.
Just an update on guild activities— tonight we are doing guild bounties. If you are interested in checking out the guild, message one of us in game and we can add you in and get to know you! Times are 10 pm and 1 am eastern. Should be a fun time. ^^
I just wanted to give a shout out to the hard work our member’s put into the community. This is what keeps me motivated to make sure every member is having an awesome time every night.
Thanks to RedJustice for taking the time to write up an amazing guide for new players.
It covers everything you need to know from what everything means on the mini map, to managing your inventory, to how to use the Asura Gates to get to Lion’s Arch.
Thanks Sleep.
If you are interested in joining a guild but not sure if MadCast could be right for you, I really encourage you to join us for our Guild Bounty Mission tonight! You can message or PM me for an invite to a party, which will give you a chance to get to know some of our members. We will be meeting up to start the mission in approximately 90 minutes (10:00 PM EST).
Just completed multiple Bounty Hunt missions last night and had a great time. Feel free to give us a yell during any of the event times posted in our introduction if you would like to take a test drive with us. Hope to see you!!
I’m excited that we captured footage from two different perspectives during our first Bounty Hunt last night. We ventured into Kessex Hills to capture the public nuisance Poobadoo. I can’t wait to see what our media team can do with multiple perspectives on the fight!
Last night we also chatted with different members about what we hoped to do for Saturday (Guild Party Day). It looks like we will be taking people through the new, limited time only dungeon, as well as introducing players to WvW who haven’t been there before. Should be fun. ^^
Anddd today we played a lot of WvW with some of our newer players and members. It was a lot of fun and we were pretty successful.
This guild is amazing and we have so much fun! And we are awesome because we just are
! And we have teamspeak and just have so much fun
! So join now because then you get to meet a Goddess =P!
For anyone interested in a preview of what you’re in for when playing with the MadCast crew, here is a video from one of our Guild Bounty Hunt events
We do two Bounty Hunt missions every Wednesday, and would love to have you join us on our next expedition.
Make sure to check us out this Saturday at 9 pm est. We are setting up groups for the limited time story dungeon and the following it up with some wvw. There will probably be some karma flags put up as well, so feel free to spend some of those karma jugs you’ve been saving. And as always make sure to check us out at
(edited by Cakeisalie.1976)
Whether you are casual about gaming or more serious, or new to MMOs (like me!) or a seasoned veteran of the MMO scene MadCast is a fun and friendly group. We’ve got people of all skill levels and desires.
I know, as a low-level player who’s never done an MMO before I never lack in people to ask questions to or lack for people who are willing to run around in low-level areas with me helping me level up!
Check us out at you definitely won’t regret it!
(Hey Andromeda, good to see you in here ^^)
Just want to get this to the front page again. A lot of people are getting out of university or school for the summer right now and planning to start playing GW2. If you are brand-freaking-new we would LOVE to help you learn the game.
If you need help getting started, please check out <a href="">This Guide</a> for things not covered in the tutorial that are still really useful to know.
Just a reminder. Tonight at 9 pm est. We are getting together for the new Living Dungeon and some WvW. Feel free to message myself, Sleepcoma.9487, RedJustice.1548 for more info. Hope to see you there!
This is a great guild! I just joined a few days ago and I have had a lot of fun so far. These guys and gals here do everything from dungeons to WvW to jumping puzzles to exploring to even just talking in Teamspeak. All together it is just a very welcoming crowd that are only here to help each other out in the game and have fun. Please take a look at MCG and hit us up in game too either way.
Just wanted to give this a little bump and say— we had a ton of fun last night. Some of our members decided to work on jumping puzzle completion so we ran through about 9 of them. It was a good time! We also went to do the guild bounty in Frostgorge and unfortunately we found her right in the middle of a massive dredge event which contributed to a party wipe. So that was a little painful… Still had an awesome time though!
We tried doing the Living Story dungeon last night too! We couldn’t quite get past the final boss battle though The fact that I’m only really level 18 and don’t fully understand what I’m doing at all probably contributed ;p
But everyone was super nice and we still had fun! We gave it a valiant effort, before we finally gave up for the night. Perhaps you (the hypothetical person in my mind reading this) should join us and help us be victorious next time! ;D
Just wanted to add onto Andromeda’s post. Don’t let her fool you, she might be new, but she’s a valuable member and is going to be a great player by level 80. As for last night, everyone had a great time. If you are looking for a guild that you can have a good time in no matter how the night goes. MadCast is for you.
I joined a couple of days ago and have been having a blast! Great place with great people.
We had a lot of fun last night with some of our new members. Continued doing new jumping puzzles (I almost have them all done now, yay!) and ran the new dungeon.
Last night was a fantastic evening. We had between 2 and 3 groups up and running around the Jade Quarry Borderlands for most of the evening and had a great time helping out our fellow Sanctum of Rall invaders.
Once we had had our fill of keep battling, we divided up into two groups and ventured into the Molten Weapons Facility. It was great getting to know some of the newer members and getting them integrated with our tried and true veterans. I found that killing the Firestorm first in the final fight makes things much easier and we just spent the second half of the fight bunny hopping over the Berserker’s shockwaves.
Join us on Tuesday for more dungeoneering fun!
We’ve got a great group of people in our guild, and in our community as a whole! Come check us out, and I assure you, you wont regret it. There is almost always someone online, why, I’m running around doing map completion at this very moment!
MadCast: Dragnosis
Being busy trying to find a job and all and not having the time to play with everyone I thought I’d kinda fall out of the loop. Turns out that isn’t the case. No matter when I’m on or who is online with me, it always seems that everyone is ready to drop everything to join me or invite me to what they are doing. I’m constantly reminded why I’m a part of this community and why I play with these folks. Come check us out friends. You’ll have a good time with this crew.
We’ve been having a lot of fun together the past few days. Lots of new folks! and lots of fun being had doing jumping puzzles and WvW, as well as dungeons and other stuffs. We do a little bit of everything, so if you’re not into one aspect, say dungeons, then don’t worry! We’ll still have lots of people around to do whatever you’re interested in
I do believe we are gonna be doing a dungeon or two this evening, wont you join us?
MadCast: Dragnosis
If you want to check us out, whisper me and I will add you in to some of our activities tonight! We will hopefully be doing some dungeon runs soon, but for now people are completing dailies.
Well I’m off to bed, I had a fun time tonight running around and hanging out with everyone. Tomorrow night we’ll be doing guild bounty hunts! ;D So everyone should come join us
Bounty hunts tonight at 9pm est and 1am est. Feel free to drop by and give me a message if you’d like to join us for one. Also check us out as to see a list of all our events.
As Cake said, Guild Bounty hunts tonight I hope we get to see some new faces during them! ;D
Well the Guild Bounty Hunts tonight could have gone better ;p but we still had a lot of fun! A few folks are doing the Molten Weapons Facility now. There’s always pleasant people to group up with here.
I’ve been guildless since coming back after taking a long break, and your guild seems really nice and laid back. It’s just too bad that 9pm-1am EST guild play is no good for me, as I play around 2pm-5pm EST.
gfox, I’m bummed that that is the case, as I’d love to give you a hand in getting back into the game and finding a great guild to call home. If you need a hand getting back into the swing of things, feel free to shoot some questions my way. I’m more than happy to help you out!
Lots of people hanging out in our TeamSpeak tonight GW2’ing it up. You should check us out and come join.
We have no specific guild plans for tonight, but I expect to see many people on tonight and I’m sure we’ll get down to having some fun! I myself am probably going to try and run around and level some more. I really want to get to higher level so I can do the dungeons and other fun stuff! ;D
A small but good group of us are on playing tonight. Come join us!
Gonna run some Living Story dungeons Sat at 9 pm est, would love to have you join us. Feel free to post in here or send me a message tonight if you are interested in running with us.
I am hoping to try the Living Story dungeon again, as I believe it will level me up to 80… we’ll see how that goes! ;D
Join us tonight for some WvW. We will be getting together at 9 pm est.
We just (and by we I mean the people who are level 80, not me ;p) did a successful guild bounty hunt! Woo hoo! ;D I cheered everyone on… pretty sure I’m actually the reason they succeeded
Andromeda definitely us carried last night with her motivational support!!! We all had a lot of fun as well. We do these every Wednesday and Saturday night, so please come join us. Make sure to check us out at
Still a couple night owls playing We’re all about the more the merrier!
Are you new to GW2 and looking for a guild that doesn’t mind helping out. Then we might be for you. This Saturday at 9pm est we will be running a level up event. We will be handling out some food, and throwing around some buffs to help you level the quickest you can. Feel free to join us, just send me a message and we look forward to seeing u.
I led the charge through the depths of Citadel of Flame last night, teaching some folks who had recently reached level 80 how to battle the threat of the Flame Legion. We lined our pockets with their ill gotten gains and had a blast through three consecutive runs through Path 1.
This is a really good group of people, make sure you check them out guys !
Guild Bounty Hunts going down tonight! Come join us! ;D
Guild Bounty Hunt is about to go down! Come quick if you’re interested in joining us!