Maguuma 80 Necro LF PvE high level content
Salutations Mega Skeleton!
In my journey across Tyria I have talked to many a heroes who have lost friends to responsibilities and desires elsewhere, and to be frank, am in the same dire straits! It was these sentiments that inspired me to form [ETF] Expect the Flank.
We are a jack of all trades, casual guild with an emphasis on team orientated activities during U.S. nightly hours on Blackgate.
You can check out [ETF]’s thread at , or you can simply pm/msg me at your convenience for more info.
Thanks and good luck finding yourself a home!
Just wondering if you are in one of the US time Zones?
If so, Disarray may be the place for you. We are a PvX guild that you can find doing PvE content as well as WvW. I actually just hit level 80 on my second toon, and was in Orr yesterday (and will be back there tonight before our Guild Dungeon event we are doing tonight), trying to finish one more area for world completion.
Most of our players are located in the US and Canada, and most of us play during the evening and on the weekend.
If you have any questions about Disarray feel free to PM me, or visit our site @
Something I forgot to note, is that we are on the Anvil Rock Server (slightly smaller in numbers compared to most, but still a great place to be)! Thanks for your time!