Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Queuing for WvW tonight around 8pm EST, and tomorrow around 7pm (for reset). PM one of our members to find out which map we’re on

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Pimsley.3681


Another excellent night of all hands, tonight!

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Come Join out WvW Fun Tonght guys! Soooo excited to welcome some new members and looking forward to seeing more join our MF Family! (hahahha get it mf family hahahaha) 8 Est BE THERE!

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Connrad.5871


Last night was another excellent night for MF and TC in WvW! If you are looking for a great guild that takes care of business in WvW, participates in events, runs dungeons, and sticks together for the long haul, come to our page and check us out!

Konnrad – 80 Elementalist
MF Officer/Commander
[MF] Malum Factum

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Love these guys <3!! Come join the MFer family.

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Come join us for the rest! Im so excited gonna kick some butt!!!

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Random Weirdness.6750

Random Weirdness.6750

I just joined MF recently, and I have to say this is the greatest guild I’ve been in so far. I was a little deterred from having to make an application, but I figured that it would be worth it. I’ve enjoyed all the WvWs with them even before I was a member, and now that I actually am one, makes it all the better .

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Thanks, and welcome

>YOU< (yes, you) are next!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


LFM for epic gaming community goodness, PST for more info!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Come check us out in WvW tonight guys!!! 8 EST!

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)

(edited by Nyxx.5129)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


>^..^< Do you like kittens? We like kittens. >^..^<

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Malum Factum – The last guild you’ll ever join!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


There are over 120 active members in our Guild Wars 2 chapter now! If you’re searching for a guild with 20-30 members on most of the time (40+ for our scheduled WvW nights), look no further than Malum Factum!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Be productive? After all that turkey and pie?
Come game with us instead!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


The GW2 officers will be back from holidays tomorrow, and we’ll start interviewing the players that put in apps over Thanksgiving weekend. Get yours in now to put your name on the list!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


^ There’s still time!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Introducing a new, organized PvE night on Thursdays! Join us for Fractals and other explorable dungeons on Thursdays (and our other non-WvW nights), and WvW on Tues/Fri/Sun!


Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Mehknic.2904


Come, friends! Come experience Nyx’s wondrous cucumbers. They’re excellent on salad.

[Malum Factum] – Yak’s Bend –
Mehknic || Engineer
Merknerk || Guardian

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Mehknic.2904


Got some new members last night, but we’re hungry for more fresh meat! Even if you’re not part of the guild, tonight would be a great night to come play with us in WvW and test the waters.

[Malum Factum] – Yak’s Bend –
Mehknic || Engineer
Merknerk || Guardian

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Solaxo.7409


Best guild I have had the pleasure to be a part of, come check us out!

Solaxo | [MF] Malum Factum – Officer
Yak’s Bend

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


We can be your pleasure, too Apply today!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Fortune favors the brave! Be brave, join us in our Gw2 adventure!!!

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Mehknic.2904


WvW resets tomorrow night. Get in on the Friday-night action with us!

[Malum Factum] – Yak’s Bend –
Mehknic || Engineer
Merknerk || Guardian

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Dungeons tonight and World vs. World tomorrow

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Our very first official dungeon night went great! Lots of explorable dungeons and fractals were conquered, and the new members got a chance to meet some MFers they hadn’t spoken to yet.

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Highvoltage.7946


Do you guys recruit players who aren’t really interested in WvW much? Right now I’m loving doing dungeons,dungeons, and more dungeons but the problem has been I join all these guilds that say “yeah we run dungeons all the time com on join!” And then what happens is I’m sitting in /g doing lfg’s while twiddling my thumbs. Dungeons only get ran by the same group of peeps w/o care for the new guy. wsp anytime to chat about this. I’m on every night from around 9pm or 10pm central time till very late. thx

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


WvW is our main focus, but we’ve been trying to get more people involved in the PvE lately. We’re an adult gaming community, so a lot of our players are limited on what days/times they can play. We used to WvW on Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sun and leave it up to people to dungeon on our off nights or during the afternoons, but now they can do that in addition to all night Thursday – our new designated dungeon night. I’ll be honest and add that we do discourage people from forming dungeon groups on our specified WvW nights – we need everyone there in force.

We have no issues with new people not getting invited to groups, but you might run into an issue b/c of your play times. We have people on at all hours, but our members peak around 6-7pm central (20-30 members online) and the east-coasters start logging off around 10-11pm, so you might have diminished numbers to pool from. That will hopefully change as we continue our recruiting drive, though.

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Queuing for WvW tonight around 8pm EST! PM one of our members to find out which map we’re on

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


More WvW tomorrow night – same bat time, same bat channel

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Mehknic.2904


Come punch other servers! They are like babies! Babies with big knives and catapults! Very warlike babies, come to think of it. They still need punching.

[Malum Factum] – Yak’s Bend –
Mehknic || Engineer
Merknerk || Guardian

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Possibly some kicking and dropping-on-their-heads, as well.

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Mike Smith.7268

Mike Smith.7268

Hey everyone.

About a month ago I posted a thread here in the Guild section of the forums that my wife and I were looking for a new place to call home. The original thread can be found here: We received a ton of replies, most of which were copy/pasted from dozens of other threads. Vaeta and Nyxx, however, took an appropriate amount of time in PM’s to explain who/what Malum Factum is, and the benefits of membership.

We’re getting back to this a full month later because I wanted to give our existing guild one more chance. It’s been dying for the last 3-4 years, and there was some concentrated effort by active members to kickstart things again. We were, unfortunately, veto’d by old inactives who don’t believe in recruiting, plans, or infusions of new blood.

My wife and I are ready to move on. We’re looking for a place to call home not just for GW2, but for the forseeable future. Ideally, our 5 month daughter will one day play with the group we’re joining. What we bring to the table:

Me – a dedicated team player who loves WvW and PvP, but enjoys a good story in the process as well (PvE). For 7 years I was a dedicated, well-known Fleet Commander in EVE, routinely running fleets all the way up to the 1000 vs. 1000 size. I do not have a Commander icon, as I hate to grind and 100g is a rather tall mountain to climb on your own. I’m more than happy playing as an “average grunt”, playing on my Elementalist, Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, or Guardian.

Wife – the quintessential casual player. She loves the game, but plays infrequently at best. Any stay-at-home mother can probable attest that “sleep > game”. She will, however, do her best to build and maintain relationships with others in the guild. She’s not much of a PvPer traditionally, preferring to “SMASH things” with her Warrior in peace.

So Vaeta, Pims, Nyxx, etc… A few final questions. My wife and I will most often play between 9PM and 11:30PM Central. What do your actives look like during that time period? On the WvW nights, how many people are participating? Will I finally have more teammates than the 3-4 other regulars I play with now? What do you think about us? Would we fit in with MF? Are our next steps to head over to the website, read the required GW2 pieces, and submit an application?

(edited by Mike Smith.7268)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


I’ll post this here and send you a PM, just in case.

I’m from Illinois, so I’m on CST as well. I’d say the majority of our players are on from 6-7pm to midnight, which would line up with your times perfectly During our peak hours, we can have anywhere from 20-40 members online, depending on the day. Fridays are very popular due to WvW reset, so that’s when we usually hit the 40+ mark. On our WvW nights (which are currently Tues, Fri, Sun), we ask that everyone online tries to participate, so the number that is online is usually the number that we have in WvW (minus <5 people who aren’t in the mood to SMASH, or are playing with other friends, etc). It sounds like way more than your 3-4, either way You guys sound like a great fit to me, especially since you’re going out of the way to learn more about us. And yep, the next step is to head over to the forums at, read the stickies, and put in your apps! We usually get to them within a few hours, and could possibly set up interviews for later this evening, if you’re going to be on.

Hope to hear from you soon, let me know if you have any other questions

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Dungeon night tonight! Get your apps in now for Fractal Mania and Explorable Madness!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Dungeons got kind of messed up with the maintenance yesterday
Here’s hoping nothing interferes with WvW reset tonight!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


WvW went really well last night. We made it all the way up to Longview and Garrison, before we got pushed out by the other two servers wanting it REALLY BAD. We also did the jumping puzzle at the end of the night for free siege – woo!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

(edited by Vaeta.9246)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


We have a night off tonight (dungeons?!) then we’re back on the WvW horse tomorrow! Get your app in now to join us

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


We’ve gotten a few great apps over the past couple days… The more the merrier, though!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Looking forward to seeing you all on Reset night!!! Get out there and Push FA and CD!

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Mo’ dungeons tonight, then mo’ WvW tomorrow
I <3 reset night!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


We’ll be forming up a little before 7pm EST tonight for reset. PM myself or another member of MF to find out which Borderlands we’ll be assaulting! You can also join us on Mumble, the info is posted at

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Boo for slow patches on reset night
Good work last night, though!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


A week ’til Christmas! Happy Holidays, everyone

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Connrad.5871


Greetings everyone! Like most guilds, things will probably be a little slow for MF during the holidays, but there will still be some limited WvW (Sun-Tues-Fri) and dungeon runs occurring (Thurs nights). If you think MF might be a good fit for you, look us up and check out our webpage!

Konnrad – 80 Elementalist
MF Officer/Commander
[MF] Malum Factum

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Connrad needs more friends. Join now and hang with him so we don’t have to!

(Just kidding. <3 You.)

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Solaxo.7409


Great time to check our guild out! Many active members, and overall active community!

Solaxo | [MF] Malum Factum – Officer
Yak’s Bend

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Happy New Year everyone! We’ll be getting things back up and running again starting this Friday (the 4th). I hope everyone’s holidays went well, and see you there for WvW

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


Get your apps in before Friday reset, and join us for 2013 WVW MADNESS!!

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Vaeta.9246


^^ T-minus 30 hours.

Vaeta – 80 Necromancer / Evaeta – 80 Mesmer
[MF] Malum Factum / Officer / Commander

Malum Factum [Tarnished Coast] has moved to TC, recruiting adult gamers for WvW and the rest!

in Guilds

Posted by: Nyxx.5129


Back from the Holidays get back into WVW this friday come join us for some back in the action fun!!!

Nyxiie-80 Ele
Malum Factum (MF)