Multiple players LF guild. Anvil Rock
Hey Ender and friends, I sent Ender a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.
If you are looking beyond Anvil Rock we’re on Blackgate. I Wanna Be a Super Villain [EVIL] might just be the guild for you! We’re looking for active new members such as yourselves! =D
Here is a little about us:
We’re a adult PvX guild that has a large community that is active 24/7 (usually 15-25 players at all hours) and are comprised of players from the USA, CAN, AUS, NZ, and other oceanic areas. =) There is typically a core group of players, amongst the large throng, that are always online. There is always chatter and friendly banter available; as well as, active gameplay with guildies. We regularly participate in group events like the MAW in Wayfarer Foothills, which has become a guild favorite for leveling; as well as, dungeons and the Elder dragons (high lvl open world raids). We’re looking forward to participating in the new Guild Mission system!
The primary objective of the guild is to play and chat with our fellow guildies by exploring the maps, questing, defeating dungeons, completing challenging jumping puzzles, and participating in WvW. We are a Level 5 guild, this means maxed out guild upgrades, who regularly keep up guild boots for our guild mates. These boosts include: +5% EXP, +10% Magic Find, +15% Karma, +10 Gathering Bonus. Through grouping and playing together we have and will continue to accrue influence to maintain boosts and future upgrades that benefit all members. We’re trying to take over the world, one innocent bystander at a time. We would look forward to playing with you in the game!
We have a active website and TeamSpeak 3 server available as well. =)The purpose for this website is to have a place outside of game for guild communication and where players can share information. The website is regularly updated with guild news and the banner typically changes monthly depending on the holiday. You can see our current upgrade and boost list on our website, via screenshots. =)
If you would like to talk to me personally please contact me, the co-guild leader, or one of our officers in game:
Server: Blackgate
Character: Jaskra Ryonative [Guild Leader]
ID: Jaskra.6940
Other Contacts:
nideovinja.2543 [Co-Guild Leader]
Laurel McFang.7159 [Officer]
Callia.1384 [Officer]
archilles.3185 [Officer]
Meredith Nic Éssus ~ Necromancer
This might be of interest:
Wolf Pack is s mature only, fully featured guild: all upgrades, lots of influence, guild buffs, web, 50 person voice chat, the works. It is medium sized (100 people, 30-40 online per day). Check it out first if u want. You can /w me or Saintmars or Terahell if you are interested.