My Guild- Help With a Few Aspects Please
Great questions!
1. Depending on your focus (I take it WvW?) You want to either post a thread here making it as appealing to that crowd focus or try to recruit in-game during WvW. I personally do not like spamming map chat/area chat. Also, I feel like a personal PM chat in-game is a great tactic to use. You don’t want to use a copy and paste template when responding on the forums about recruiting people.
2. Again, depends on the guild focus! A good template can be found Here
3. Just try and make everyone feel welcome and have a personal connection with your guildies. They are taking time out of their day to play GW2 and interact in your guild, so you should always feel honored to use their time efficiently.
A good guild is a place where everyone #1 has fun. #2 doesn’t feel left out and #3 gets stuff done. Doesn’t matter if u have 300 people or 2 as long as everyone gets along, has fun and is able to accomplish what they want you are doing ok! We use a combo of military ranks and medieval titles like “knight” and lord lol. As for recruiting.. its much harder as a smaller guild.. the mass pop ones usually have someone in every dang map spamming away. Ill toss up the occasional map spam usually during high pop times, but have found the best way is just keep an eye out for guildless people while you are running around and shoot them a pm. Hope this helps out a bit
feel free to msg me in game or here
and Good luck to u!
one of my biggest challenges is the fact that things are turned around in so much that most games players need guilds more than guilds need players.
In this game its the opposite. Your average player doesnt really need a guild as the game is sort of designed to push players together regardless of their affiliation.
Guilds however do need players in order to get the influence needed to buy perks. Which means the leadership needs to work harder to instil loyalty, community and that desire to belong.
The things i look for in a guild are activity, comradely, and an extreme lack of drama. but i also like the guild to be large and active enough that i dont feel like i have to show up to every event in order for it to be successful.
Alright, let’s see, your guild focus seems to be WvW right?
1- You can make a post on these forums with a description of your guild, it will get some attention to it. Read the posts of people looking for guilds (I mean actually read it, there’s a bunch of people that just have one copy/paste wall of text ready, and just post it w/o even reading what OP is looking for) and answer the ones that match you.
If your focus is WvW or SPvP, get your Fraps/Bandicam/Afterburner out and record some good fights you and your guild get into. If I’m looking for a guild, I’d be interested in seeing what the can actually do, not what they can type!
Just go and play the game, most people decide to join a guild when they see them in-game and get interested. If you see someone doing the same thing you are, all lonely and unguilded, ask him if he wants to join your party and play with him for a while. He might decide that your guild is what he is looking for
DON’T start spamming team chat in WvW with your guild advertisement. It’s ok to do it in LA every once in a while, but doing it where your team communicates is obnoxious and really annoying.
2- Use your creativity!
3- A place where everyone has a common interest, plays together, and have fun. One thing I’ve learned through my MMO history is that, the game itself might not be the best, the raids might get repetitive, etc. As long as I have a bunch of guildies on TS having a laugh with me, I’m gonna stick around and play more!
(edited by Luiz Swordbreaker.6547)