Need a good PVE Guild
Comedian, our guild is friendly, laid-back and is comprised of mostly adults who have to juggle between gaming, our jobs, and our families. We are not all that large of a guild (roughly 30 players), and there’s about 10 or 12 of us who play on a pretty regular basis at least every other night.
We typically run PVE most of the time, and love to run dungeons when we can (been on an AC kick for the past few weeks), including fractals on occasions. We love to have a good time and chat, and don’t take ourselves or this game too seriously, as it is just a game at the end of the day.
Voice chat is available but is honestly rarely ever used. Please feel free to check us out at We don’t take the website too seriously, maybe posting something every now and then on the forums.
We’re looking for another handful of active PVE/Dungeon players to join. We’d love to have you join us on the YB server.
Feel free to send me a PM/Mail here or ingame.
Ima Seamstress (IGN)
Goodbye Mr Anderson (IGN)
The Society [SCTY] on YB
I would like to join to your guild!:))
ben, sent you a guild invite. ^_^
The Society [SCTY] on YB
Hey Comedian, I sent you a private Message in regards to Tribe [TRB] reopening our recruitment on Jade Quarry. We use Mumble (not Ventrilo) and are very active/helpful.
I will also try to reach you ingame. Hope to hear back from you and best of luck in your search.
~ David
Tribe [TRB] – Now Recruiting.