New Player Looking for friendly Guild

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Razz.9580


I’m completely new to the Guild Wars series, in fact I’m installing the game as I write this. I’m looking for an active and somewhat laid-back Guild. Yes, I can speak English fluently.

Currently my gaming PC is broken, I am expecting it to be fixed somewhere in the next month so I am using a borrowed laptop. But I will be active since I just got the game. I will be looking forward to joining a nice Guild

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: KingslayerKeebs.9382


Hey Razz,

Sent you a PM with more details about us. If you have any questions, hit me up. Thanks.

Friskosmash | 80 Warrior | [MF] Malum Factum
Yak’s Bend

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Olybib.2806


Brotherhood By Blood is now recruiting! We are a friendly, community driven, guild. We are an american guild, and usually play in the night hours and weekend, but there is a few of us that play during the day. We mainly do PvE, especially dungeons. Anyone is welcome to join. We are a bit of a mature crowd, but we do have are super silly moments. If you are interested in joining, send a message to Olybib.2807

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: bengt.6014


The Fathom League is recruiting right now. If you’re looking for a small, casual guild to play with we’re a great fit. We’re all helpful, and like helping new players out.

If you’re interested let me know, and I’ll send you an invite right away!

Tomran [] 80 Engineer

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: RoboSquirell.4602


Hey if your interested in joining a new guild check out my post and see what you think

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Obran.6582


The Crusaders of the Lost Gods [GLG] is now recruiting!
We are a new PvX guild focusing our recruitment on good attitudes rather than a vast resume of skill factors, we want to play the game with cool people. That being said we do want to win as well (who doesn’t?) so we do play to win but not at the expense of having fun.
CLG runs various guild events throughout each and every week – encompassing PvE and PvP: whether that would be dungeon runs or exploration, or making new characters and playing with guild mates. On the other hand we also run WvW and SPvP guild groups on different nights. If you rather not do what the event is that’s fine – but there will always be a guild group doing what the event says for that evening.
Our tiered leadership structure allows new players to the guild to start leading events that they want to do, rather than listen to what a few people tell them to do. So if you’re interested in leading events then simply do so. We’re an open source community that wants awesome people to play with.
So if this interests you send Obran, Thorsol, Arinzel or Leahshawn.7450 a message in game. You can also visit our website: and apply (it’s not required to apply – just another way to get ahold of us). Come join us!

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Fire Opal.8137

Fire Opal.8137

Hello and greetings and welcome to the game. Leaving information for you to look through. PM if needed.
We hope you will come join the Wolf Pack
Thank you for your interest by opening this page and reading it.

WOLF was created in 2005

We are very proud that even with our up and downs, great times and sad times, that we have endeavored to continue to thrive and continue to exist.
We invite you to visit our guild and talk with us either in game or on vent. What would it hurt? We are a mature group of people that enjoy playing MMOs and other games. We are all working class people and/or university students and/or have families to take care of. We are mainly North American times zones from one end to the other, but have a few Canadains, Euros from England, Finland and other areas that came with us from Guild Wars(so International guild). We log on to have fun and relax, so I am guessing you would consider us a casual guild. We have people may do one or a mixture of all; Pve, Pvp, dungeons, and Wvw. We will help and guide new players to the game and old players with what we can. We dont ask for special equipment for pvp, pve, and dungeons or build. We work with what you can bring. We don’t want to make the game a job, because that not what games are for. We are slowly rebuilding the guild at this time. We are looking for people, willing to help us grow. We are friendly and will do what we can or when we can for others in the guild. We enjoy new people, thoughts and ideas. Each new person brings a special gift or unique quality to add to the guild. We truly hope that you will join us and give us a try.

We do have vent and a forum; Our forum is:
We are now at 112 members and officers in the guild and growing more and more each day. We are upgrading to Level 5 upgrades.

We are also looking for new officers in the guild, but we will have to talk. If you like to play other on-line games, we have guildies that may may be playing the games your playing also. Such as (League of legends, Steam games, World of Warcraft, Aion, Tera, Starcraft, Diablo 2, 3) and much more. So I figure we can be considered a gaming (community, guild, or group).

Fire Opal
Lady of the Guild

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Razz,

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.

We have 115 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.

We have a mature member base, I would not mind taking a few
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are not huge, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeon & FotM runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members every day as well.

We use RaidCall to talk, and a lot of us are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums:

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!

Note: if our server looks like its full, all of our members managed to transfer within 10 minutes, hope that helps:)

in game character: Xena Love/Lady Luna Love/Luna Lovess, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld

New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Sydyshka.3729


Hi Razz

if you don’t mind changing server then you may be interested in joining Darkveil on Gandara.
We are European with players from UK and the continent. We all have jobs etc so aren’t hardcore, but we do like to have some fun together.
We are building our close knit community and looking for mature players (over 20) to join us for dungeons and some WvW. We have just started a few weeks run to enable all members to clear every dungeon which you may like to join. There is also a group starting that wishes to do regular pvp & Tpvp.

If you are interested then please apply on our Forum or /w Sydyshka.3729, Rodaquiste.7631, xl LentoN lx.7658, Angalid.6739 or Michael.6901 in game for a chat.

Hope to hear from you soon.


New Player Looking for friendly Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Dark Revan.7634

Dark Revan.7634


I sent you a PM but here is our recruitment page in the forums: