New player looking for active guild.
Come check us out… were small at the moment, but were adding numbers everyday. Most of our player base is PVP oriented. (lots of ex EVE players)
We have a solid alliance already formed.
We are mature group (most members have spouses and kids) we like to goof off and play around with all aspects of the game, but when it comes down to business… we get organized and focused.
Take a look at my recruitment post and see if its something your interested in. You sound like you’d fit in, so let me know.
I sent both of you messages I believe
Heres our recruitment thread
Public teamspeak:
Check Us out.
Xtremegamersclan [XG]
I’ve sent you a PM.
Hey man come join the hottest guild in town
Catch you later!
Free transfers to other servers are still available.
We’re on Borlis Pass, and we’re a mix of casual PvE/dungeon runners and WvW.
Mature experienced gamers many of whom have RL ties.
Come check out our website
Or jump on our mumble during afternoon/evening hours and chat us up.
Perhaps you’d like to read more about Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Playing on Desolation – a highly competitive and yet friendly server. Our recruitment page;
We also have a website;