Offsiders [OS] *Isle of Janthir* (Semi-Hardcore/Oceanic)

Offsiders [OS] *Isle of Janthir* (Semi-Hardcore/Oceanic)

in Guilds

Posted by: Rart.4190


Offsiders is a semi-hardcore guild recruiting skilled players on Isle of Janthir!

Offsiders is a new guild which goals are to form a semi-hardcore close knit group of members made up of active skilled players who wish to progress whilst having a great time doing what we love, which is gaming! If you are interested in an end-game progression guild which offers its members not only skill, but a fun close knit community. Please continue to read and visit our forums at the bottom of this post!

Offsiders will offer our members both PVE and PVP gameplay. Applications will be based on building the guild for end-game progression as our main objective will be clearing all end-game content in PVE/PVP. Our goal is simple, to provide members with the support required clearing all the content provided, whether it be PVE or PVP content within a close knit group of skilled players.

Guild Requirements:
By semi-hardcore, There are a few requirements to be an Offsider:
• Posses the skill needed to progress in end-game and be able to work as a team.
• Visit forums regularly ( helps with signups to calendar events, etc.)
• Be active! If your on vacation, or away for IRL reasons, let us know!

Event Requirements:
• Events will take place from 7:30pm-11:30pm AEST (ATM there will be 5 man Instanced events or PVP raid events scheduled)
• Attendance and invites to scheduled events require signups for scheduled events only, on the fly events requires no signing up, as long as your logged in and ready to go!

Skill Requirements: (as mentioned above)
• Members of Offsiders will not be carried in end-game content. We are a close knit group, we focus on quality and not quantity.
• We also have a 2 week provisional recruitment policy and we will trial members in instances once they reach end-game if they are not LVL 80 when invited and trialed before invite. (Meaning – Recruits that are recruited before they reach end-game, will not start their the two week provisional period until they reach end-game with guildies who will trial them in various instances.)

SITE INFO: Offsiders Guild Website

Offsiders Guild Website: (Semi-Hardcore Guild on Isle of Janthir)

Offsiders [OS] *Isle of Janthir* (Semi-Hardcore/Oceanic)

in Guilds

Posted by: Rart.4190


If you are interested in joining, and possibly in another guild. We are also interested in your application. Especially if you want a guild who actually do have guidelines that only allow skilled members who can face the harder end-game content. As Many of us know, its painful when your constantly carrying someone, or an entire group.

We have no issues with members multi-guilding, as long as your representing our guild during events.

Offsiders Guild Website: (Semi-Hardcore Guild on Isle of Janthir)