Part-Time Heroes [PTH]

Part-Time Heroes [PTH]

in Guilds

Posted by: Ryahn.7254


Home World: Gates of Madness (US)
Focus: Leveling, Helping New Players, Dungeons, PvP, WvW, Casual
Contacts: Ryahn, Posion Taco, Jobotoo

Until February 28, membership trial periods are waived.

Members will have a 7-14 day trial period they have to pass. Only way to not pass, is to break rules, get banned, or any other un-adult like behaviors.

Mission Statement
Part-Time Heroes is a community of gamers from diverse walks of life who believe in fun, fair and honorable gaming.

Part-Time Heroes is a gaming community that is goal driven and focused on building a top-notch group of gamers. We intend to be successful in whatever game we have a presence in, while at the same time we recognize that people have lives outside of gaming. We are not Full-Time Heroes for a very good reason. Part-Time Heroes is a community that respects that your gaming time is meant to be for fun, not stress. We intend to be successful, without being elitists or creating this into another job. Our goal is to provide a drama-free entertainment community for ALL gamers, everywhere. While we applaud and encourage skill, we place a higher value on a good attitude.

We are a community about ambition, collaboration, cooperation and commitment. We expect those with more skill to help those with less. We expect all members to contribute in all areas that they are able. We expect ALL members to make everyone’s experience the best it can be.

We at Part-Time Heroes do not believe that quantity of recruits is better than quality of recruits. Some clans have several hundred members, but that is not our goal here. We prefer to keep our member count low, and in doing so everyone gets to know each other better.

Our core purpose is the enjoyment of gaming, and establishing a network of committed friends that can provide you with a constant source of competition, comaraderie, and gaming help.

Part-Time Heroes does have a system of ranks for members to attain, and respect must be given to those of rank for they are the ones who have been here for a long time, and they make this community possible.

Part-Time Heroes is a veritable melting pot of people. We have members ranging from pre-teens to 40+ year old gamers, we have people living in the far corners of the world, and members represent a wide array of origins, backgrounds, economic statuses, races, religions, genders, and sexual persuasions. We do not discriminate during recruiting or afterwards, and do not tolerate people who do. We believe in living and gaming with honor and integrity.

As a gaming community we naturally expect members to be active and online as much as they can, but we also believe that family comes first. We want responsible and contributing people both in-game and in life.

(edited by Ryahn.7254)

Part-Time Heroes [PTH]

in Guilds

Posted by: PoisonTaco.4025


So far so good, we’re growing and becoming an active guild. We’ve got new and experienced players alike. Things are looking bright for PTH and members can expect to start seeing guild events.