Pistols and Mouse Clicks - Mature & Social Multi-Gaming Community!

Pistols and Mouse Clicks - Mature & Social Multi-Gaming Community!

in Guilds

Posted by: steb.7048


Pistols and Mouse Clicks, the brand new multi-game community, is looking to add members to it’s ranks in Guild Wars 2.

We’re playing on the Gunnar’s Hold (EU) but aren’t restricted to just the one game! If you enjoy other MMOs, FPS, RTS or even console gaming- Pistols and Mouse Clicks is the place for you!

Founded in 2012, PAMC aims to offer a great social hub for gamers across a variety of games, utilizing a a social and mature environment to unwind after a hard days work or to simply come on and have a few laughs and a couple o’ beers. Our mantra is merely this- to have fun. We’re not aiming for server first this, or world first that, we’re just here to have a group of like minded people, from around the gaming universe, coming together to have fun while enjoying the game they’replaying in a light-hearted and social manner.

Our website, currently under-construction, can be viewed at http://www.pamc.co.uk and our forum which has only recently been set up can be viewed over at http://pamc.co.uk/forum/ – Feel free to come over and post a thing or two to get to know everyone!

Mainly UK based, we also host a small group of Irish and US members, although everyone is welcome (Fluent English speaking/reading is recommended, though)

Hope to see you in-game!

Charr Warrior & Asura Necromancer
Proud member of Heresy on Blacktide EU.

Pistols and Mouse Clicks - Mature & Social Multi-Gaming Community!

in Guilds

Posted by: Evoroth.4982


A little more about us from our website:

Pistols and Mouse Clicks is a UK & Ireland based friendly, fun and mature multi-gaming community.

Founded in September 2012 by a small group of gamers who wanted somewhere to enjoy playing a variety of games, casually, with likeminded people. From MMOs to FPS, on PCs or on Consoles.

We’re always on the lookout for good quality people to be part of our little community, so if you’re interested head over to our forums and have a chat with us and we’ll see if we’re the right fit for each other.