Please Specify Your Specific World

Please Specify Your Specific World

in Guilds

Posted by: Frostpyro.5942


It would be a lot more helpful to people looking for guilds for the guild recruiters to actually post the name of your world first. A few are doing this already but a good majority are not.

(ie. [Crystal Desert] Knights of Guild Wars Recruiting for WvWvW!)

I, and many others, looking for a guild probably aren’t going to open every single thread looking for the correct world.

Please Specify Your Specific World

in Guilds

Posted by: Gemma.2057


Also to say whether US or EU as it’s a nightmare to work out. Ta

Please Specify Your Specific World

in Guilds

Posted by: naqaden.5698


I agree having it in the thread title is more helpful, but it can make titles pretty lengthy.

if you’re looking for specific servers, try the [Search this forum…] box above with your target server name.

Please Specify Your Specific World

in Guilds

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Can’t agree more