Potluck Massacre [PLUM] is recruiting!
PLUM sounds interesting! I’d be interested in transferring over to SoR as well. Will have to guest until I am able to afford a transfer. Do you guys have a trial status?
I am out of gw2 for today, but I think we could try a trial status. Send me an in-game mail with your details. ^^
that’s ok, i think it should be around 900-1800 gems since SoR is a heavily “populated” server. I might be guesting first
Yeah the price is a bit steep since its heavily populated but tyvm for taking an interest in our guild, gl to you Deathtrap
Thanks Dark Revan. Maybe i’ll follow in Deekon’s footsteps
Sounds Good Deathtrap, a Trial Status could be arranged for both of you ^^
Recruitment status is still open.
Also, guild bounty will be up very soon
Scheduling Guild Bounty for Saturday
Welcome to everyone that joined and we are still recruiting.
Held a guild bounty on Saturday and Sunday with huge success. TY to all that participated
Here is a picture of a few of us before the event (Sorry to those that were culled out of the picture )
Won’t be long till we have Guild Trek!
Join us for WvW / Dungeons / Events and Guild missions!
Do You have alot of players, yet to reach level cap ? I’m just getting back into the game and am looking for some people that play in the evening. What sort of numbers do you have that play around 6-10 Server time ?
We have yet to reach level cap and just did a clean house sweep to get rid of inactive players and disabled accounts. I would say we have roughly 30 to 60 active players on weeknights for 6-10pm server. Additionally we are running guild bounties 2-3 times on the weekend as well as guild Treks. Feel free to PST either Genoise or Kildam in game and we will throw you an invite!
Thanks for your interest in PLUM. If you do like and end up staying, be sure to visit our website potluckmassacre.com and register so we can ensure you are an active player
Great guild, glad to be a part of it. So, bump!
Potluck Massacre [PLUM] is recruiting! PvX / sPVP / Dungeons / WvW / Guild Missions & Events |18+ guild, 100% Rep in PVE. | Register at www.potluckmassacre.com and join us!
this just in, we have finished enough missions this past weekend to unlock the new Guild Jump Puzzle!
Additionally, just to shout out I am proud of our coordinated guild members out there during our mission last night. Participation and progression is just getting better and better all the time.
Lastly just want to mention some of our events:
Saturday: Guild Bounty & Treks 6pm server
Sunday : Guild Bounty & Mission 8pm server
Monday: Guild Rush 7pm server
Thursday: Guild sPVP and tPVP 5pm server
Friday: WvW Havoc teams 5pm server
Come find us by the Lion Statue at LA if you’d like to join us for a mission and see the guild in action!