R34 Ele/Necro player lf Tpvp guild/group.

R34 Ele/Necro player lf Tpvp guild/group.

in Guilds

Posted by: Ottigan.2571


Hello, my main professions are Elementalist and Necromancer i can play any build/role these profs are capable of. I have participated in over +500 free tournies won ~380 while playing with both semi-serious premades or straight up pug’s.
I live in GMT +2 and i’m able to attend starting from 20.00 pm till even 4.00 am next day nearly every day if something would come up it’s not a problem for me to inform.

I’m looking for a mature(preferably +18 of age) english speaking group of people that are serious about tpvp and are practicing atleast 4 days a week.

Feel free to message me for extra info.

(edited by Ottigan.2571)

R34 Ele/Necro player lf Tpvp guild/group.

in Guilds

Posted by: Frizz.6704


If you find something let me know I just posted about looking for the same thing. Alternatively, we could always form our own group. With you, and us two (Necro + Warrior or Guardian) we would only need two more?

R34 Ele/Necro player lf Tpvp guild/group.

in Guilds

Posted by: Ottigan.2571


Okey, i’ll keep that in mind. For now i’m hoping for a 4man group in need of one more but if it doesn’t work out i’ll give you a message.

(edited by Ottigan.2571)