RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


Hey all.

I’ll just drop the basics here. If you’re interested you can come to us to find out more.

First off http://www.randomlyangry.com is our guild website. I probably wont check this thread that often because I prefer the forums/chat we have going over there. (Its an AWESOME time killer on boring work days also :P lol)

We have about 125 members and growing strong. Guild chat is not a barren land. We’re always talking, BSing, having fun, looking for dungeons, getting some WvW, and everything else you could want.

We are going to be getting more events going on soon. We currently have our first event in the works. Get there before it ends.

We’re not particularly interested in you if you don’t want to get to know us.
We’re not particularly interested in you if you don’t want us as your main guild.

There are NO requirements aside from being active. We don’t care if youre a noob or only level 20 as long as you don’t plan to stay there. We were all noobs at one point, its nothing to be ashamed of! We will help you level, answer your questions, and get you to the point where you can be self-sufficient.

We have vent as well. You and your friends are always welcome.

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

(edited by Beacham.3561)

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


P.s. RAWR = Randomly Angry White Rabbits.


We are the master race <3

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: CrusaderRabbit.7460


I am the guild leader and would like to point out that our numbers have grown slightly (now 140+) and we are very active, friendly, and helpful. We also don’t limit ourselves to one type of event or another. Wether it is WvW, sPvP, PvE, Dungeons, etc.; we like to do it all. Another thing to look forward to is that we keep guild buffs on all the time.

Come visit us or message me in game (Rotarx) if you are on the Borlis Pass server

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: CrusaderRabbit.7460


Join us before Lost Shores event so we can work together to explore all the new features!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Zavve.8205


Was not sure where to request to join up. In that case, my ign is Hezner

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


Alright Gizmo (aka Hezner) I’m at work right now but I’ll shoot you an invite in about an hour.

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Bistouri.6038


I love the name, so here’s a bump!

27" iMac, 3.4 GHz Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB, OS 10.10.1

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: CrusaderRabbit.7460


Bistouri need an invite?

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Bistouri.6038


Thanks, but I’m actually here promoting the guild I started myself on Eredon Terrace. But I got a bump from Beacham and thought I’d return the love! Good luck with your recruiting drive.

27" iMac, 3.4 GHz Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB, OS 10.10.1

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


Ah, thank you very much for the bump!

Now I shall shamelessly bump myself For everyone interested we’re also now listed on http://www.gw2guilds.com

Come to our website though at http://www.randomlyangry.com and talk to me. Its a long and lonely work day over here!

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


Still recruiting guys. Fractals runs all the time…ESPECIALLY this 5-day weekend.

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


The leader is:

My IGN is:
Its Cloud

Other Officer:

Catch one of us on or post in here/PM me. I check daily even though in the original thread I said I might not. Been getting some cool and reliable members from this.

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Spudinator.4801


Fist bump for RAWR!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Corwin Shadeslayer.5917

Corwin Shadeslayer.5917

Been seeing a lot of you guys as of late and would be interested in getting to know some of you. Been looking for a reliable guild to have some like minded people to group with. Primarily a PVE lvl 80 warrior, though enjoy WvW tremendously and looking to get into a bit more dungeon running. My IGN Corwin Shadeslayer.

Usually an 10pm – 1am cst player.

-Borlis Pass

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Beacham.3561


Ill get at you today in-game. I know its a bit delayed. Its been a busy week for me

[RAWR] Randomly Angry White Rabbits
We are the master race!

RAWR Recruiting on Borlis Pass

in Guilds

Posted by: Fate Scion.9741

Fate Scion.9741

Looking to join. I’ve seen some RAWR running around and Borlis Pass is starting to get a bit lonely for me. My thief just hit 40 and the going is getting a little tough flying solo. East Coaster, got a job, wife, play when I can but when I do boy look out!

Shoot me a message in game, or whatever. Thanks for reading!

Build a man a fire, he is warm for a night.
Set a man on fire, he is warm for the rest of his life.