Reaching out for guild in Divinity's

Reaching out for guild in Divinity's

in Guilds

Posted by: Melody Cross.8465

Melody Cross.8465


I am a new player to Guild Wars and am seeking an active guild for WvW and PvE. I have had little success in finding a guild that enjoys these things on my own and am seeking assistance or submissions.

Who am I:

PvE background: Former GW1 player HoM completed except the God Walking title. All expansions 100%, all explorer titles, etc. I still play sometimes, but not since buying GW2. My Main was a monk/healer.

In GW2: Divinty’s Reach Server; currently have level 80 guardian built for hybrid support and damage. I do re-spec stats at the request of a team if the reason is good.
level 32 necro: still getting used to her. I miss my horde :p
level 17 ele: Is a bit squishy. I know she would be awesome in a group though
level x Ranger: Currently in process of rebuilding it. Got her to 80…could not stand her hair so she went bye bye.
level x Assassin, to follow Ranger once i have that type back to 80 again.

Times of play: varied. My work hours dictate my times of course. Currently Tuesday-Saturday I am online 9PM-12PM Eastern Standard. My weekends are Sunday and Monday. Schedule changes are every 3 months.

Still working on 100% explorer title. Once completed on my Guardian, I do intend to work on it with other characters.

PvP background

Former member of We Card [ID]. Our highest ranking in GvG was in the top 40s, we averaged 50-60s until a medical issue forced me into other arenas. I was our backline support/infuser, but I cannot do that anymore.
Other roles performed: Spike caller, general build/team construction and map strategist, sometimes ran flags. We shared these duties dependant on build and team makeup.

In GW2: Currently enjoying WvWvW with PuGs or just jumping into a zerg. I have not had a chance for structured play but look forward to the challenge.

What else do I bring:

Level 400 Armorsmith
Level 400 Cook
Level 384 Tailor—that will probably go up to 400 soon…like tonight
I’m working on Jeweler and Artificing. Huntsman and leather working will grow with my Ranger when I rebuild her (or him).

What am I looking for:

PvE: A guild that helps each other. The guilds/alliances that most impressed me when I played in GW1 were the ones where someone would call out in Guild Chat “I need help with X quest” and 3 people replied in next to no time. That reply may have been “give me 10 minutes to finish what I’m doing” but it was a response for aid and always appreciated. That’s the kind of player I intend to be, that’s the kind of people I want to play with in PvE. I enjoy roleplay as well. This is an RPG after all.

PvP situations, I tend to take more seriously. While much of my experience in structured play is support oriented, I expect a fair fight or a short fight. I do not condone the use of map exploits, game mechanic bugs or other cheating as outlined by Anet and NCSoft. I was vehemently opposed to such action in GW1 and do not tolerate it now. That said, I understand the gray area that we live in, and strive to use game mechanics to the razor’s edge.

As to temperament, I try to maintain control of the situation and myself. Swearing into vent does nothing to help my team. Yes, I will admit to jumping on a few ranged players corpses after UTTERLY MURDERING THEIR SQUISHY LITTLE BODIES—MELODY SMASH WITH BIG HAMMER—eh hem, excuse me; after defeating them when they tried a protracted fight with my guardian. I do not gloat often, but if you give me reason boy howdy will you hear it.

I’m not a great “leader”. I’m too analytical in my thinking for the lightning decisions that often come with structured play. When given commands, I follow them, when situations change, I adapt as best I can, but when forced to command, I do so with some reluctance and relinquish it when the time is passed.

I hope that’s enough info.

Play Fair and Good Gaming

Melody Cross

(edited by Melody Cross.8465)

Reaching out for guild in Divinity's

in Guilds

Posted by: Mwari.8016


Wow… wonderful post….unfortunately, we aren’t on Divinity’s Reach Server.

If you are interested at all in moving to Anvil Rock, Disarray would be a great place for you (at least I believe it to be). We are a PvX guild, that you can find in WvW and PvE Content. We are currently working on getting a commander in guild (our commander fund is almost at the half way point), so you would not have to worry about leading.

In WvW, we normally don’t follow the zerg, as most of us believe in fighting for something then holding it. With the zerg, it is kind of like borrowing a toy, just to let the bully come and take it from you. I personally don’t like bullies… if you know what i mean!

As for PvE, we normally have at least one dungeon group a night, sometimes 2 -3. We have some players that are pretty vocal in guild chat, others that are vocal in vent, but normally if someone is in need of help, there is normally someone on that will be glad to help if they can.

Anyway, we are located throughout the US and Canada, and most of our playerbase is on during the evenings and weekends. We are sitting at roughly 50 – 60 members, so a decent sized group of individuals to enjoy this wonderful game with.

If we sound like something you would be interested in (since server transfers are still free – but set to a 7 day timer) feel free to PM me any questions or comments you may have, and visit our site at

Thank you in advance for reading my reply, and hope to hear from you soon!

Mwari (Ming Dara in game)

Reaching out for guild in Divinity's

in Guilds

Posted by: StarsLife.7320


Heya Melody Cross,

Great post! No mention as to your server transfer interests or time zone. At any rate, Jaded[Jade] on Darkhaven is recruiting active, friendly, and mature members and there is no application process. We are a family-style guild looking to form long-term friendships through PvE and PvP. We have active forums and a vent server, which we mostly use for dungeon runs/WvW. We’re a laid back, easy going bunch and are enjoying our Jaded adventures together in GW2!

Things you can expect from joining Jaded:

- Friendly Guildies
- Dungeon parties
- Light PvP, both WvW and Structured
- An abnormal love for Quaggans

Jaded is mostly comprised of members between the ages of 18 and 81.
We are most active during North American evenings, mostly East coasters with a current average online between 15-20 players out of 90’ish members.

Take a gander over at our forums over at:

If we sound like the right home for you, introduce yourself at our forums, contact some of us in-game through whispers and/or the in-game mail system. We’ll get back to you asap to answer any questions you may have.

Guild Co-Leader – Vecuu Raine
Guild Co-Leader – Raelin Flameseeker
Guild Treasurer – Shira Nolar


Reaching out for guild in Divinity's

in Guilds

Posted by: Melody Cross.8465

Melody Cross.8465

Coo! I love Quaggans! I have a special place in my heart for Hylek too because of their close resemblance to Froglok’s in Evrequest. Your times of play currently sync with mine as well.

A note on Dungeons. I have had…limited experience in dungeons and found them to be not so much fun. This could be an issue with group makeup or my own inexperience when I tried them. I have thought about farming Arah. I hear the armor is quite pretty. Karma farming a set of Whispering at this time. It has the stats I need.

Mwari, I actually agree to a considerable extent with what you said about current zerg “tactics”. It has the feel of a karma farm when they are followed, even when there is a commander in the group. Just today I saw some questionable decisions, but held my tongue. It was my belief that, had we taken Bravost instead of skirting it, we could have built the treb, held said treb, and completely overrun Kaineng Valley. We did not, blue rallied AT Bravost and destroyed 2 trebs before the commander logged to go to sleep…

Of course, hindsight is 20/20.

Updated post for times of day/play. My work hours dictate my times of course. Currently Tuesday-Saturday I am online 9PM-12PM Eastern Standard. My weekends are Sunday and Monday. Schedule changes are every 3 months so these times and days will likely change in January.

A note on server hopping and whispers: I have had several whispers in game for guilds requesting I leave DR. Most have been quite polite but…I would kindly ask future recruitment be performed from this forum. Even inactive, leaving my guild is not a decision I take lightly. I appreciate all parties understanding if I wish to take some time to decide.

To be honest, I have been considering leaving DR, as much for a chance to complete my explorer titles in WvW recently as because of my poor success in finding a good fit in this world.

Per several requests for sPvP and more information about my “injury”. I am not disabled I was diagnosed with diabetes and, as a result of failing to diagnose or treat it for several years, my hand/eye coordination is not what it was. For this reason, I could not and cannot catch spikes as an infuser was required in the previous game’s PvP dynamic. In short, i do not have the reflexes of a teenager anymore. Of course, I’m not one and wasn’t when I played GW1. Part of getting old I suppose.

I do not know how well I would perform in this current Structured PvP because I have yet to test myself. Yes, I have played other games for cash prizes (FPS, fighting games and some RTS). No, I do not consider myself a “professional” as the money was never enough for me to live off of by itself.

I have a different job now and do not seek to turn this leisure activity into one. Please respect this decision.

Ming Dara and Zooey, I want to thank you both for your interest in me. I will continue to review your websites as I contemplate this not too inconsequential decision. I think I’m worth waiting for

Play Fair and Good Gaming
Melody Cross

(edited by Melody Cross.8465)

Reaching out for guild in Divinity's

in Guilds

Posted by: Mwari.8016


Sounds good Melody.

If you ever want to hop in vent with us or anything to ask any questions let me know. I also added you to my contacts, and you can do the same with me if you wish to ask any questions.

Off to cook dinner for the wife, so wanted to keep this one short and sweet!