Read if you seek a different kind of Guild!

Read if you seek a different kind of Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


I am Zack Harte (main) of Crystal Desert and I thank you for showing interest in my guild. Instead of boring you with a generic list of things every other guild does or write a bullcrap letter of false promises, I am going to prove to you this guild’s originality as best as I can. Here I have abused spoiler boxes so you don’t have to know if you want a first-hand introduction or you just don’t care.

Name: Plainswalkers
World: Crystal Desert
Language: English mainly
Type: Adventuring, Unorthodox, n00b Help

What NOT to expect from Plainswalkers:

  • ZOMG we does everything!!!!
  • We also does everything events every week on a regular basis!!!!
  • Normal rank names.
  • Normal staff.
  • Alot of seriousness.
  • Severely organized PvP/WvW events.
  • Boss camping.
  • Operational give-a-damns.

What to expect from Plainswalkers:

  • Adventure.
  • Random gifts that might benefit you in the mail. (Because I need a quicker way to get rid of gear and item drops. I am not going to be the only one doing it either.)
  • Sporadic events (because someone needs help with a boss.)
  • Ranking up based on Valor, Honor and NON-TANGIBLE contributions towards the guild. (HINT: Use Plainswalkers’ theme song as the source of inspiration as to the idea of what I want in my higher ranking members.)
  • We haz theme song.
  • Guildmaster looks like a pirate.

(bleep)ing Ranks, how do they work?!

Initiate: Lol nubcake. You only contribute to guild vault thing, k?

Green: Meh, I guess you bawss enough to show our colors.

Full Member: Don’t know if spy. Guess you can contribute to Treasure Trove as well. >.>

Veteran: O.o…. Imma let you work out guild vault crap, but if you start stealing things imma kill you, k?

Plainswalker: Here is your Treasure Vault Access key. Now go away.

Cry Bucket: If I am not here you handle everyone’s gripes and complaints (aka “Cry”). kthxbye!

Almost Pirate: I have a life I must tend to. I need you to take charge while I am gone. Here is guild. kthxbye!!!@#C!@@#

Evil (bleep)hole: You are now officially a pirate.

Requirements to Join:

  1. Listened to Plainswalkers’ theme song.
  2. A desire to play this game like it should be played.
  3. Your character level > 0.

Expectations while ranked within Plainswalkers:

  • You maintain your honor.
  • You don’t beg for rank. If you are given rank its probably because leadership thinks you are awesome enough to handle that rank and I was like, “Idgaf” when they ask permission to promote. By the way, you need my permission to get promoted.
  • If a member is n00b, you help them via giving them stuff you can’t use but they need or help them train.
  • You show that you want this guild to flourish with action…. and that you REALLY want to be a pirate.
  • You take advantage of the mail system when contacting your superiors.
  • That you will do other things that I expect you to do that have not come across my mind yet… :|


Send a message addressed to Zack Harte saying that you want to join Plainswalkers and a guild invite will be sent on your way as soon as I read it.

Read if you seek a different kind of Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: LLunatic.5280


lol love your approach to a different take on recruiting tactics. Good luck with your guild

Guild Master Forbidden
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