Hey everyone! This is Athian Moon. I’m recruiting for my sorta kinda new guild here. We only have a few members and we’re looking for more! To join please pm me or Adirro. We play in Darkhaven.
We like exploring, doing task and stories, and soon we’ll start pve and wvw when we have more people. We’ll be doing a lot more fun stuff soon but we need more members before we can really start doing anything. We don’t really have any requirements to be in this guild but we ask to be a little experienced and know what your doing but if you don’t we’ll be happy to help and we’ll accept everyone. Some people need time to grow right? We don’t critisize or anything but we’ll be ahppy to assist.
So please PM me, Athian Moon (Red Crusade), and/or Adirro (Aelow) to join the guild.
Thanks guys!