Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Obery.7864



Hey everyone,

Ridicule is a very international guild founded in a few other games. A group of old friends has reunited once again to enjoy Guild Wars 2 as much as we can. In order to get the most fun out of the game as possible, we could definitely use some more people to hang out with.

We originally met each other in a game named Fly For Fun (FlyFF), which was a really fun and carefree game a couple of years ago. Unluckily it took a hit by the “pay-to-win-hammer” and went downhill quicker than “The Dude” Lebowski finishes a White Russian. Ridicule was a top competitive guild in our server (Mia), but most of all a very warm bath for fun and huge conversations all day long.

After our adventures in the world of FlyFF we played various other games for a short while before eventually ending up with Rift. While we enjoyed the game’s content a lot, it eventually turned into one big grind and that took all the fun away. So here we are, finding our way through Tyria, enjoying all kinds of content the game has to offer.

Rules, or rather Guidelines

We basically have very few restrictions. We do not really care about your character’s level or the country you are from. Even though we locate on an American world, we have members from all over the planet. You don’t even have to be on our world to join Ridicule, but it would definitely be cool if you considered.

The rules are very simple: have fun and get along. Humor is a necessity to get along, being too serious is bad. We hate mass guilds with 100-200 people like we have seen and joined them in several raiding-based games, we prefer having a smaller but closer group of people. This also means that people who do not fit in nor try will be removed; it’s not nice to have this one guy no one likes, but yet everyone is friendly to out of politeness, around.

We all have known each other for years, on personal, as well on gaming levels. That doesn’t mean we want to know about your personal life, but you shouldn’t be too stuck up to have a normal conversation about something other than the game. This guild’s purpose isn’t of exploitable nature such as players with no relation joining together to beat whatever aspect of the game, but rather to find people to play the game with and have fun.

You can log on, do nothing and just chat, just pvp, just do dungeons, mess around or whatever. Activities the guild does are spontaneous and up to each individual. We won’t be having dungeon or PvP schedules, if you feel like doing either, you can just chat people up and go for it, even make your own schedule, it’s whatever, really. The game’s not a job and we certainly aren’t going to force you to do anything or participate in anything.


  • We’re on Stormbluff Isle, but you’re welcome to join without transferring over
  • We’re not going to be bothered, offended, creeped out or whatever by who you are, what you are, if you play a lot, a little, what kind of content you enjoy, as long as you bring that same attitude
  • Voice Chat is coming up as we find more members, for now we choose Skype
  • Guild site will be created if we deem it necessary or the demand arises
  • We’re not a mass guild and disliked members will have to take their leave
  • We don’t have lame catch phrases or would ever call ourselves “mature” or repeat respect, honour blah all the time as other guilds do, however, we’re not lame and don’t enjoy jokes on a your-mom-level, nor do we shoot below the belt.
  • We’re carefree, but humorous nerdrage attacks are possible nonetheless
  • Racism is a topic many guilds are extremely anal about, however, our Canadians won’t mind a Canada-joke, our dutch lady plucks tullips and lives off cheese, and I apparently wear leather pants and only live off beer and sausages. It’s all good up to a certain level, actual racism will however not be tolerated at all.

For any additional information send me a pm on this site or pm/mail Naryan(Patfanda) or Ishlandir(Obery)

(edited by Obery.7864)

Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Obery.7864


Had the pleasure of inviting quite some people today. Welcome to them, and that many of you will follow…

Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Obery.7864


We would still love to see some new faces =)

Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Obery.7864


Not much has changed, Everyone is still welcome =).

Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: Obery.7864


Still looking for the most awesome of awesome!

Ridicule- A very special guild [PvX]

in Guilds

Posted by: midnightjazzy.7415


hi dude, i would like to join your guild. My name is the same online, just with a capital m (“M”) XD um should i like, say something about myself?