[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Hey all,
My name is Ike and I am the recruitment officer for Ravenkin (Sanctum of Rall server). We founded this guild a year and a half before the game even came out so we could start building a guild that was based on fun and respect. Everyone has a voice and a vote in this guild, everyone is heard at all times. I have been playing MMO’s for many years and can honestly say this is an outstanding group of people, the best one I have ever been associated with in an MMO. Everyone of them has become a friend of mine. If a relaxed, drama free, respectful guild to game with sounds good to you I invite you to check us out.

Currently 110 members

http://ravenkin.enjin.com/home or checkout our podcast http://ravenkast.libsyn.com/

Click on the Recruitment tab to get started! You can also email info.ravenkin@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Ravenkin is a casual Guild of gamers from various backgrounds gearing up to play the upcoming MMORPG Guild Wars 2. Emphasis is placed on FUN above all else without the drama that plagues so many Guilds these days. We are a tight knit group committed not only to the success of the Guild, but also the personal success of each member.

Our goal and focus is simply to have fun. We are a Guild that values all our members as friends, maintaining courtesy and respect of each other at all times. We are a Guild that wishes to progress deep into the game, doing so as a whole. We will try to ensure maximum participation for all, however participation is not mandatory.

We want you to stay with us for a very long time . Ravenkin is the beginning of a long lasting Guild of friends who will grow together.

Join us and discover what a true gaming community can be!

(edited by Ike.7210)

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Added two more outstanding people to the guild. Welcome to Ravenkin Upnorth and Aurelious!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Ravenkin successfully had our first Tonic Race! Members used there favorite tonics and raced from Caudecus Manor all the way to Rata Sum with checkpoints along the way. Congrats to the husband and wife team Dreadsong and Izora for taking 1st and 2nd and getting the pick of the prizes!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome Cyra and Abdel, a couple that is obviously going to fit in just great. We are glad to have you both.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Zendetta our merchandise manager put together some great guild stuff http://www.zazzle.com/ravenkin

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to the guild CrustyMongoose, still love that handle!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome goes out to Teasie, our newest military member. Everyone at Ravenkin thanks you for protecting our country.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to two new members Jaho and Nirrie, I hope you guys enjoy the guild!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Well the first Ravenkin NAKED explorable run was pretty darn awesome. The group actually completed path 2 in AC including Lt. Kohler. It is actually liberating not caring how many times you die because there is no repair bill. Great job, Vunter, Zeli, Elf, and Crusty.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: zelibeli.4695


Absolutely loving being a part of this guild. So many events, serious and silly, it’s always fun. I had a blast with the Naked Dungeon Run last night.

Ravenkin . Sanctum of Rall
twitter: @zelibeli

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: sinnen.4053


I have to say, this has guild has been a great place to hang, talk and just plain enjoy the game. One of the best guilds I’ve had the fortune of being a part of.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Vunter.6245


Vunter from the guild. This guild is the best one I have ever been in. The guild is extremely active, casual and understandable when it comes to real life stuff. Welcome to the people who have joined and hope to see more people join!!! :-)

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Epsil.2056


Epsil from the guild. Without a doubt this has been the most amazing guild that I have ever been able to take a part of

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Akaizhar.3956


Whats this? RK is now on FB and Twitter! You darn kids and your new fangled technology… git off mah lawn!



Also, RavenKast is coming… stay tuned!

Special thanks to Zeli for getting these sites up and running

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Adrivo.7632


I’ve been in this guild for almost 8 months, and it’s awesome! No doubt about it, its one the best groups of people I’ve ever met online and we’re all really great friends.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to the guild Misty, I can tell right off you are going to fit right in!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to Ravenkin Danny, we are glad to have you!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Zeli our social media super star is starting a podcast here very soon, more info to come.


[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to Darknight, we are very glad to have you as part of the team!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Akaizhar.3956


The first RK podcast is complete! Check it out here: http://ravenkast.libsyn.com/raven-kast-001-11-02-2012

As always, visit us at Ravenkin.enjin.com for more info, or feel free to email me or our Warlord Uriel at info.ravenkin@gmail.com.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: sinnen.4053


yay for RavenKast !

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


Man, running around the Mad King’s Realm was so much fun with these guys. And now, we’re all voting on our real life Halloween Costume contest where 3 lucky people will win some awesome Ravenkin Merchandise! We’re also having an in-game ugly alternative character contest, where the winner(s) will receive awesome in-game prizes from member contributions to the Guild Stash (all yellow items and above!) Every day is a new adventure with Ravenkin, and even if you can’t stay on all the time, like many members, you can always come back and pick up the new trend easily. That, along with the friendly family-like characters who are always willing to help no matter how small or how large the task may be, THAT is why I am proud to call Ravenkin my home. Thanks so much, members, for all that you do.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to the guild Doc and Zheonix, glad to have you as part of the group!!!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to the guild Scorpz25 and Cyn-Tim we all are glad to have you and hope you enjoy the guild!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: sinnen.4053


This, is the right guild to check out if your looking for a good place to call home.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Wow, it has been a crazy busy month recruitment wise for Ravenkin. Due to the large number of new recruits we are temporarily shutting down recruitment so we can get to know everyone before we add anymore new faces. Thanks!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Ravenkin is now open for recruitment. We are looking to add another 5 to 6 active players to the ranks. If interested please visit our site (linked above) or just shoot me a PM.


[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


We welcome failwyn and zikzakzok to the guild.

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


We welcome Nafie to the guild

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome the Ravenkin to Faked!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


Welcome, Faked! And also a big welcome to Wulfheir and Jim V!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to the guild Ripbolt!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


We received our first application from an applicant that became interested in us from our podcast today! We’d like to thank Zeli again for all of her hard work on the podcast. Remember to check it out when you get the chance. And good luck to the applicant!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


The applicant sent to us by the awesomeness that is Ravenkast has been accepted! We welcome Devona to Ravenkin!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Hey all check out the latest podcast!!!


[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Hey everyone, the 8th podcast is up head on over and check it out!


[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Duskmelt.9834


Was just listening to the Ravencast. Very entertaining Thanks for making it!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Hey all, we are opening recruitment back up. We are looking for some more active folks to join the family. If you have any questions just let me know.


[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Welcome to all the new members!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Great job everyone with our weekly WvWvW event!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Ike.7210


Great work on Fractal night Zendetta, thanks for leading!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: Zendetta.2140


Guild Bounty Missions tonight at 8 Central! Meet at Cornucopian waypoint in Gendarran Fields (Just north of Lion’s Arch) to form groups!

[Rk] Ravenkin [Sanctum of Rall] Casual, Respectful, Drama free gaming

in Guilds

Posted by: ipvrf.7420


I have myself and two others (Wife and Brother) who would like to join you guys if your looking for more nice people