[RoF] Casual player looking for a Guild

[RoF] Casual player looking for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Alethea.8360



I’m a fairly new to GW2 and have mostly been playing with my partner so far. Now I’m looking for a guild to have fun with other players, too. However, because of my job I can only play for about 1-3 hours in the evening on work days and sometimes longer on weekends (GMT +1).

I have one level 80 character. At the moment I’m leveling various other characters, though, to see which one suits my playstyle the most (and to play through different personal stories). Next I’d like to do world map completion and then … whatever is fun in the guild.

About me:
- Interested in PVE content and dungeons
- Friendly and enjoy helping others
- Not going to join multiple guilds
- Real life comes first

Looking for:
- Guild on Ring of Fire
- Guildmates who are respectful to each other as well as outsiders

Please leave a message here, and thank you for your time!

[RoF] Casual player looking for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Darkkist.5412


Hi Alethea

Please do speak to me about Furious Rising

Our guild was made so all players no matter how casual or hardcore you are can experience all the game content as and when you have the time or wish to do so.

We have huge friendly community – peek time (which is the times you mention above) 50 players online and so you can jump in and out of instances or wvw with us as you have the time to do so….

We are an established guild created on the first day of release by friends / family and have a dedicated active adult leadership

I am online most nights from 6pm gmt – midnight so I will try to catch you online maybe tonight to chat some more as I feel you would fit straight in and also we suit your requirements per your message above

Darkkist – 80 Elementalist
Guild leader of Furious Rising
Ring of Fire

[RoF] Casual player looking for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Darkkist.5412


p.s. some people are worried about joining a big guild but please don’t worry we have a very active leadership and one thing we do is make sure everyone has a voice or that everyone is helped through instances etc and you won’t find any elitism from our players – every single player has a place in FR

Darkkist – 80 Elementalist
Guild leader of Furious Rising
Ring of Fire

[RoF] Casual player looking for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunasun.2491


Hello Alethea,

I have read your post and wanted to reply and offer you a spot in our small cozy laid back guild, if you dont mind to change servers.
We have members from Europe, the US, and other parts of the world.

We have 133 members atm, and we are steadily growing, but we
still maintain to keep the family feeling.

We have a mature member base, I would not mind taking a few
younger members, as long as it wont be the majority of our roster.

Although we are not huge, we have a very active group of people
now, we play every day and mostly play together in party.

We have weekly organized WvW/PvP, Dungeon & FotM runs, and even Music Night, and our members do all those activities together with other guild members every day as well.

We use RaidCall to talk, and a lot of us are on there on a daily basis as well.

Please take a look at our forums: http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/

Guild name: We R In Style
Server: EU Underworld

I would say, give it a try, and who knows, you might like our little crazy bunch!

in game character: Xena Love/Lady Luna Love/Luna Lovess, whisper me any time.

Guild Leader of: We R In Style – Server: Underworld
http://werinstyle.shivtr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/WeRInStyle