RoF and ICON need YOU!

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: twigglet.9310


Basicly our server Ring of Fire has fallen prey to the huge bandwagon of server transfers. We suffered a big defeat two weeks back and have slowly been losing players since. Which makes our WvW efforts harder. Ques are vertually none exsistant at the minute and our general WvW efforts lack co-ordenation. ICON is trying to bring some co-ordenation back into our server. as a mainley focused WvW guild with two commanders who are hugely respected on our server. so if youre looking for a new server or guild why not try us? the only thing we ask as a guild is that all members use TS (even if u dont have a mic just come on and listen. feel free to PM me or ingame mail me (Twig mes) or mail Hawkeii or Surba and well get back to you.

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

(edited by twigglet.9310)

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: SurBa.4039


I woul like to add, that you can contact me too (main: Gerle Marwerian), and we have several alliances server wide.

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: RayneOfChaos.9856


Does it come with free food and girls?

Sik Stormz – 80 Elementalist
Yak’s Bend

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: ktith.6197


I thought the constant in guild recruiting was chocolate chip cookies? Just saying…

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: twigglet.9310


we have cookies and t-shirts. the girls just come as perks

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: ktith.6197


That’s nice, my first giggle of the day. Should the girls be “peaks”, lol.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: twigglet.9310


bump still looking

NP’s number one Mesmer (sorry mal youll always be number 2) ;)

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: JimFord.4163


No free food im afraid but it does come with numerous free golems. Also, you can contact me, Lord Fordy, as i have recently been assigned the role of PR guy. Check out the website also to apply at

Lord Fordy – RoF
[NP] – Night Pact
DPS Ranger Mentor

RoF and ICON need YOU!

in Guilds

Posted by: CallmeEd.3802


Greetings from BOSS,
We do feel the same way as you described above. We need some co-ordination, even if it something as simple as doing guild WvW runs at same day/same time. If there is any interest in forming alliance, look me up in game or @
And to those guilds who “ran” away to easier worlds, thanks…. NOT
