SPONSORED Guild - Style [CARE] Recruiting

SPONSORED Guild - Style [CARE] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Kvist.5201


About Style
Style is a multi-gaming International European Community of like-minded players founded in 2006 through the game World of Warcraft. We love the competition that is involved in Endgame Content be it pvp or pve and the glory of winning.

Style has gained its name among the MMO community by performance on the highest level. This has earned Style respect and renown among players and developers alike. Style is an unique community that has a proven track record with the relevant experience where it matters.

About recruitment, needs and what Style has to offer

- A chance to reach far within the e-sports part of the game.
- A chance to form your own team within the guild.
- A chance for teams already formed to be part of Style.
- Avaliability for all types of players, no matter the aspect of the game.

Style is able to offer a great community to all types of player, whether it is PvE, PvP, WvW or just hanging out for the social aspect of it. The guild consists of highly skilled players, and player that have yet to gain more experience, Style offer a chance for everyone as long as they prove they are able to cooperate.

How do I join?
You write an application on the guild website. We prefer that you spend alot of time on the application and go through it atleast two times when you are finished to make it flawless. Two high ranked members of Style will then read the application and either Accept or Decline you. PS! When you write the application, we appreciate if you add “PvP”, “PvE” or “WvW” before your name on the application.

What does Style need?

Style has its main focus on Tournaments!

- Players for every aspect of the game. PvP, PvE and WvW!
- A player with guts! You need to be able to face hard challenges on your path to become a top player.
- Players with functionable brains and voice (Speaking on Mumble while doing guild activities is a must)
- We require the player to represent Style, and only Style. We do not fancy multiple guild and the ability to represent others. Dropping by as it pleases you is not an option.
- A social player, being able to have a chat with fellow guildies.

About Sponsorship

Earlier this year, when Style decided to expand to other games. Style came in contact with a high profiled gaming merchandise company called ROCCAT™. The contract was signed around the release date of Guild Wars 2 and Style got a clear shot to start gathering people that wants to take Tournaments to a whole new level.
What the sponsorship includes will only be discussed between the leadership of Style and the players that are part of Style.

Sponsorship only applies for members participating in Tournaments.

General Information

Rules can be found on the forum, before you apply, we highly recommend reading these. They are found under the thread “GUILD CHARTER – PvP/PvE/WvW (PvX) Hardcore Guild”

Ranking System:
Leaders – The leaders and makers of Style

Officers – Reliable members helping out with management

Spvp Core – The core of the guild, those who prove themselves with high skill

Spvp Member – Regular guild member, new members go here

Social – Social members and PvE focusing members go here

Mbit (Kvist.5201)
Vipey (VIPEY.9571)

Evisceratrix (EvisceratriX.1750)

Contact Style? You can contact any leader or officer in-game.
Guild Website: www.style-guild.com
Additional Info:
ROCCAT™ – www.roccat.org

- Style [CARE]

(edited by Kvist.5201)

SPONSORED Guild - Style [CARE] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Kvist.5201


Reserving the 1st post for future updates and editing!

SPONSORED Guild - Style [CARE] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Riva.8719


Sounds pretty cool, I’m interested. Now, there’s only one thing, sorry if I sound ‘noob-ish’, but do we need to be on the same server for me to be a part of the guild or how does it work? I’m new to Guild Wars 2, but I’m a fast learner, so no worries

SPONSORED Guild - Style [CARE] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Kvist.5201


Hi there. Thank you for the reply!

It all depends on whether you are a PvP player or not. I highly recommend that our PvE players stick around on the same server for open world events aswell as WvW. What I have learned so far is that PvE players do more WvW than PvP players that participate in Tournaments. However, considering we require our members to represent to Style at all times, a player might aswell be on the same server as us!

Hope that answers your questions!

SPONSORED Guild - Style [CARE] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Kvist.5201


Bumping thread to give notice that the amount of interest given is impressive. And Style is on a good path!
