[Sanctum of Rall] Oceanic guild for merger

[Sanctum of Rall] Oceanic guild for merger

in Guilds

Posted by: Danny Tsui.7840

Danny Tsui.7840

We are a tiny guild of 5 looking to join a large guild for running guild missions. We mainly play in late night hours where not many are on WvW and may help with defending keeps, but we would like to gear ourselves better through running those guild missions. We have our own small chat server using mumble with limited bandwidth that could be used to assist your over crowded chat server.

Would like to join with large guild which is influential enough to already started upgrading towards multiple categories of guild missions. Our guild members are relatively good and active players with 2000+ achievement points. I in particular have all 8 classes and can assist with anything like dungeons and crafting, with which I am both a Dungeon Master and Master Crafter.

Contact: Danny Tsui.7840, ChironTheGreat.8061

Danny Tsui
Physically located in Sydney Australia
Virtually located in Sanctum of Rall

[Sanctum of Rall] Oceanic guild for merger

in Guilds

Posted by: NorthStar.3798


Hello Danny Tsui,

We are on Sanctum of Rall and although we are mostly a North American guild EST and PST zone. We have the ranks and influence to run guild missions and currently building the missions atm. I am not sure exactly how many people are needed to run Guild Missions, but if like to join us please let me know..

Our guild information is below:


Tag: [VNG]
Focus: Casual and Semi – Hardcore
Time Zone: Mostly EST and PST
VOIP – Mumble
Website: http://www.VengeanceClan.com

Sanctum of Rall