Sanguiphoria [Sang] US-Crystal Desert

Sanguiphoria [Sang] US-Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Griff.9302


Hey there! Sanguiphoria is currently looking for like-minded people to be a part of our family. We are a PvX guild that truly plays in all realms of the game. We have regular in-game events with several guild/alliance events coming in the very near future. Understand that we aren’t looking to add a number… we truly are looking for players that want to be part of the group and experience the wonders of Tyria with brothers-in-arms. We offer a website, 500 slot Teamspeak3 server, great attitudes, and a fun atmosphere. You’re welcome to check us out at or pm me for TS info. You are always invited to catch us in voip and run with us for a bit while you make a decision. For more info pm me here..

Thanks and happy hunting.

Sanguiphoria [Sang] US-Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Griff.9302


You can also pm me ingame at Griff.9302

Sanguiphoria [Sang] US-Crystal Desert

in Guilds

Posted by: Griff.9302


Also looking to add like-minded guilds to current alliance.