[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Raynn.4391


HONOR UNDER GLORY is looking to buff up their World vs World numbers!

Honor Under Glory (HUG) is primarily a World versus World guild. We dabble in everything (dungeon runs, Heart of Mists pvp) but World versus World is our passion. We play on the Sea of Sorrows server and are one of the most active guilds during the North American prime time. While profanity isn’t a big deal, we do frown upon drama queens, and overly sensitive man-children. We expect you to be an adult and remember that we are all here to have fun.

Most of all, we expect you to come out and have fun stomping our opponents in WvWvW. We currently have 2 NA commanders and are part of a large alliance(OATH, FOE, TSYM, ect) working to make SoS number 1 in the World vs World game.

If you’re interested in talking to us, please shoot me an in game tell or hit up our website at http://honorunderglory.enjin.com/

(edited by Raynn.4391)

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


update 3 Commanders

and drunk chicks on vent during wvw

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


Stormbluff Isle 47,788 +155
Jade Quarry 47,251 +170
Sea of Sorrows 62,180 +370

Edit: for commas

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Elromon.1945


Joined Guild last night. Thanks for the invite!
Now lets go kick some ……………

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Smith.2586


Yee Yee SoS !! HuG !!! <3

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Elromon.1945


Join in on the fun

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


We have fun!!!!!

(edited by briantoop.1792)

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


serious good times, all the times

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


I believe we have taken, and sealed 1st place!! GJ HUG!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


We are still looking for more players to help out the ranks!

Drop us a line and see how much fun you can be having

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


  1. for the second week!! Go SoS! Go HUG!!

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Pimpnizzle.4371


BUMP. We need more active WvW Players that’s able to hold it down.

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: Sweetiepie.9270


We aren’t always drunk in vent.

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


We need players back from Planetside 2 cause that game is garbage! lol

[Sea Of Sorrows] Honor Under Glory Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: briantoop.1792


Still kicking kittens all over the place!!

SoS #1 three weeks in a row!