Searching for a Guild

Searching for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Botanical.1086


Hey everyone!

Before I get into what I look for in a Guild, I’ll mention a little about myself…

My name is Sonny and I’m currently living in the UK as an 18 year old in education, namely college. I game in my spare hours and often am a heavy gamer when I don’t have exams surrounding me. Sadly being in college, a lot of my time does go into studying so I tend to go inactive at different times throughout the year. Anyway, other than that I tend to be quite active as I love to game!

I play sort of a variety of games, including RTS, FPS, and MMORPG’s. However, initially I began with MMO’s, later on moving into FPS then RTS. Recently though my clan has sort of disbanded or at least the people I used to play with have pretty much given up or moved on. With that being said I decided to move back into MMO’s; Guild Wars 2 in this case. I bought Guild Wars 2 when it first came out and played, got my self to level 80 as a warrior with other minor level characters here and there. I never really got into a guild and so decided to give it a go now as I reckon I’ll get into this game a little more seriously. Despite this, soon after level 80, I left the game but now have returned. To be more frank, I have a lot to learn about this game – take me as a ‘noob’ in other words!

So being someone who has a lot to learn and wishes to progress into the game again, I look for a Guild with the following:

- A Guild which is patient with its members.
- A Guild which has people willing to help others out, in terms of game knowledge and game play (as I’ll probably be asking a lot of questions about the game).
- A Guild with an active Teamspeak server – IMO this should be the priority as I reckon this really makes any game enjoyable – to be able to speak to your friends while playing.
- An active forum and website, in order to allow us to communicate outside of the game. Also this shows to me a bit of dedication and organisation is involved in the Guild so I’ll be more inclined to join.
- A Guild filled with laughter, respect and motivation to play.
- A Guild which regularly or commonly plays WvWvW and PvP.
- A Guild which is active in the late afternoon and evenings, during GMT hours as I live in London, as well as on weekends.

That’s really pretty much it.

Real Name: Sonny
Age: 18
Location: United Kingdom. Yes I’m British.
Character Name: Erashi
Level 80 Warrior

One more thing though, I currently am in Aurora Glade but I do not mind switching server.

(edited by Botanical.1086)

Searching for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: bobomonkey.3685


Hey Botanical!

We’ve got a Small/Medium sized guild on Darkhaven called Order of Shadows that is an 18+ guild mostly comprised of family and friends, making it a very tight knit community that thrives on helping each other out and enjoying the game together. We’d be more than happy to welcome you to our group as well!

We’re CST (GMT -6) as long as that’s something that would work for you, we’d love to have you!

While we mostly focus on PvE, we do run events every week, everything from wvw, dungeons, fractals and once guild missions are in we’ll be scheduling those as well. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in check us out at and you can also PM either here or in game if you have any questions for me as well. We have a vent server that we use when we do events together, and even sometimes when we’re just playing.

As far as our server goes it’s fairly well populated in PvE and we’ve won the last three WvW matchups we’ve had as well. We’re also ranked within the top 15 WvW servers the last time I checked.

I really hope you’ll check us out and think about joining us!

I hope to hear from you soon, and if not I hope you find a great guild to call home!


Searching for a Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Orbixitron.3218


Hey there!

What The Kitten [Meow] is a smallish but growing PvX Guild. We are into all aspects of the game and hold regular events to cover this. We have Dungeon, Fractal and PvE stuff planned as well as WvW and guild PvP tournies up and coming. We have a wide range of levels within the guild and are a pretty friendly bunch.

However, we are based on Tarnished Coast which is a North American server. If you are in an EU server, you might have to transfer. I am from GMT time zone as well and due to the later hours that I play at during weekends this suits me ok. Might be a different story for you though! (Oh and TC is like… 3rd in WvW rankings if that’s your sort of thing ;D )

We have a guild website at for more info, you can come chat to our members via the forum there too if you just want to check us out. You are also welcome to attend any events (Providing you aren’t restricted by the EU/NA thing)!

Our Guild Post on this forum is also just here!

If it’s not for you, that’s cool, I just hope you find a place to call home sweet home!