Seeking a/multiple guilds: intelligent, GBLT, social

Seeking a/multiple guilds: intelligent, GBLT, social

in Guilds

Posted by: Muji.5274


Looking for one, two or more guilds to be apart of. May represent-hop back and forth until I find “the one”, or decide to be apart of multiple guilds (Monday guild, Tuesday guild…).

Me: Ex-WoW player (top 95th+ percentile), GBLT, student, tortured writer, voracious reader. Love of cats, knitting, vitamin water, sharpies, buses, dreams, spirituality, sociology, altruism.

Ideal guild would be lax with representation and playtime requirements. Interest in PvE is a plus. Medium-sized preferential. Social guilds are of major interest.


Seeking a/multiple guilds: intelligent, GBLT, social

in Guilds

Posted by: AriaSilverfyre.8702



The Gryphons Aerie is a small, casual PvE/RP guild on Tarnished Coast. We enjoy helping each other and doing things together when possible. All you have to do is ask if you need help with something and we’ll do our best to come to your aid. We’re also very GBLT friendly and have a couple members (and allies) from the community.

For more information…

…check out our post here on these forums:

…or go directly to our website:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop me a note or contact me in game (Aria Silverfyre) and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Guild Leader of ’"The Gryphons Aerie [REST]": A PvE/RP family
Join Us –

Seeking a/multiple guilds: intelligent, GBLT, social

in Guilds

Posted by: GaiusJuliusCasear.7253


Hello from Rome [SPQR] Isle of Janthir,

We are a small casual guild that is working on going from a mostly PvE to focusing a bit more on WvW. We don’t mind people who go back and forth. We are fairly social. We use mumble for voice chat if you care to use it. If you want more information go to