Seeking large active EU Guild

Seeking large active EU Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Peregrine.8310


Hello there,

I am part of a small group of semi-hardcore/ hardcore players that have made the difficult decision that our current guild does not fit our needs anymore.
Depending on our personal schedules we are active in the mornings, afternoons and/or evenings during weekdays, and ofcourse we are online in the weekends.

We love to do dungeons, fractals, and the occasional WvW, especially with other guildies. Onfortunately, we can not always be online at the same time, so we have to PuG more often than we like, or do no dungeon/fractal at all.

What we are looking for is a large guild that also has semi-hardcore/ hardcore players like us available during the whole week so we can do more dungeon/fractal runs with guildies.
We are looking for a guild thathas anactive community. A guild that is active on guildchat, even when there is a group of guildies doing dungeons/fractals.
We like the guild missions, and we would like it even more if we would not have to worry if there will be enough people online to do a t3 bounty for example.

To summarize this in one sentence. we are looking for a large, active, international EU based guild.

Our first preferce would be to stay on Piken Square, but we are willing to transfer to another (international) EU server if we find a guild there that matches with our preferences.

You can reach me via these forums or through the ingame mail system using my accountname Peregrine.8310

Thanks for reading!

Seeking large active EU Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Darkkist.5412


Hi Peregrine,

Furious Rising sounds like a good fit for you guys although we are on the ring of fire server.

We have many active members no less then 25 online throughout most of the day and from mid afternoon to midnight we fluctuate from 50-70 online depending on guild events. You don’t need to worry that this is to large though as everyone is a valued member and we have a dedicated TS3 server we use to its full potential.

A avg week for us
Monday night – WVW
Tuesday night – PVE dungeons (focus on some of the less well done paths)
Wednesday night – Guild missions
Thursday night – pvp tournament / free night (dung runs)
Friday night – pvp tournament / free night (dung runs) / we join in with wvw reset
Saturday – free day / night
Sunday – afternoon of guild activity either guild missions or wvw or guild event

All the above normally last for couple of hours and is our ‘planned’ events they are not mandatory to attend but are there for people to join in. (WVW for example we have had 40-45 of us) Other then above there is generally always 1 , 2 or 3 runs happening at any one time.

We are a fairly mature guild and friendly with a strong active leadership and one that is not just in it for ourselves we want to see the guild grow and value every single member! We are always keeping eye on members incase any members also want to step up and help lead such a great guild!

Check our website

Maybe I can chat to you in game or over TS3 – ill be online normally from 6pm GMT onwards or I do check back here from time to time.

Although the above sounds fairly stiff we are not a hardcore guild our guild ethos is to allow all members to see all content without being pressured to do things they dont want to do i would say though a big core is definitiely semi hardcore / hardcore players but we try to keep away from elitism as mentioned above everyone is valued member!


Darkkist – 80 Elementalist
Guild leader of Furious Rising
Ring of Fire

Seeking large active EU Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Peregrine.8310



Thank you for your answer. Currently we are looking at the various options available.
If we (since I don’t decide this alone) decide we would like to join your guild i’ll be in touch.