Synaesthesia [SYN] Recruitment Page!
Synaesthesia is a very small guerrilla type Wvw oriented group.
“We are small, but deadly. Strike swiftly and vanish, leaving our foes breathless.
Moving as a unit is vital, and listening to orders is undisputed.”
We sound very hardcore and serious about the game, We are.
But let’s not forget it’s just a GAME.
We are also a family. Coming from different places, cultures and habits.
Our family does many things together, from drunken nude parties via skype to real life hang outs and oversea meetings.
I personally know every single one of my members down to their bones.
We’d like to add a bit more people to our family and core environment.
- World vs World
What we do in WvW is different than most guilds you’ve seen before.
While coordinated with the commanders on our server, we decide which area is best to cover strategically.
But we don’t usually do keeps nor towers; We assault zergs from behind, escort doly’s, re-cap camps, support our zergs with siege weaponry, and support our server jumping puzzle areas (just for the heck of it).
For our big events Friday nights we capture either a keep or a tower and hold it for as long as possible.
We are also farming dungeons and helping our members to farm for their Legendary weapons.
- Dungeons
We run story mode events where we group up and complete all story modes one by one.
We farm for the tokens needed for any gift and we help people get their desired items.
Same for lodestones ^
- Synaesthesia?
If you google’d Synaesthesia you would receive many results. To me it means :
“A sense of satisfaction in a body part other than the part being stimulated.”
The guild is called like that because we usually hit smaller objectives,
such as camps, cows, flags (and more) in order to help our towers&keeps, block their zergs and let ours take over the big objectives with ease.
- Recruitment
Our requirements
- Must be 18+.
- Must be 80 for our Wvw/Dungeon groups.
- Must be skilled with your main class.
- Must Represent our guild at all times.
- Must be active in-game and participate in events.
- Must be active on the guild website and forums.*
- Rules
- Be friendly and polite to each other. Any act of attitude would lead to a ban from our guild.
- Religion, Faith, Culture, and hatred discussions are not welcomed in Synaesthesia; leads to drama.
- If you are gone for a while, you have to notify the guild leader or one of the officers before your absence.
If you fit the following requirements and agree with our rules you can leave an application on this thread or in a Private message.
(Until we get a website for applications)
- Application
[In-game name]:
[Tell us about your gaming past]:
[Tell us about yourself]:
[What do you expect from Syn and what Syn can expect from you?]:
- Notes
- Working on a website.
- Getting a TS3 server.
- Since we just transferred to Gunnar’s Hold our guild progression is reset.
- I’ll keep track of this post for the time being until the website is ready. Until than, applications go through here or private messages.
Important - We are from Gunnars hold.
- We will not transfer to merge with a different guild.
Thanks for reading and we hope to see you in our roster soon,